How’s Your Love Life? Tell All and We’ll Reveal Your Rom Com Soulmate

Who doesn’t love a classic romantic comedy? Boy meets girl, boy and girl resist their undeniable chemistry, boy gets the girl, boy loses the girls, and the girl’s best friend throws in some great one-liners… and finally, after a series of entertaining hijinks and mishaps, boy and girl end up hShow More

Who doesn’t love a classic romantic comedy? Boy meets girl, boy and girl resist their undeniable chemistry, boy gets the girl, boy loses the girls, and the girl’s best friend throws in some great one-liners… and finally, after a series of entertaining hijinks and mishaps, boy and girl end up happily ever after. So sweet, right?

Unfortunately, real love never works quite the way it does in the movies. In real life, there’s ghosting, booty calls, and those weird lingering people who never text you but continue to watch your Instagram story until the end of time for some reason. The movies make it all look so easy, but the reality of finding your special someone is actually a lot of hard work even when it’s worth it.

Wouldn’t it be great if it really did work the way it does in rom-coms? If your beloved made a brave declaration of love at the airport just before you took off and you rode away into the sunset together, forever? Sure, romantic comedies aren’t real, but that doesn’t mean movie-style romance isn’t.

What does your love life say about who your rom-com husband would be? Let’s find out!

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Let’s get into it. What’s your relationship status?

Ready? Scroll down to answer
  • Painfully single
  • Engaged! … finally
  • Mingling. I’m not ready to settle down!
  • Ugh, men.
  • I don’t wanna jinx it, but I’m seeing someone…
  • Too busy for love

What did you get? Let us know in the comments!