Which Hybrid Hogwarts House Matches Your Personality?
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We all know our Hogwarts House, but do we all truly fit into just one? Hardly! Perhaps your badger has the wisdom of the eagle, or your inner lion subtle is like the snake.
Find out here which combination of houses truly suits you!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results fromShow More
We all know our Hogwarts House, but do we all truly fit into just one? Hardly! Perhaps your badger has the wisdom of the eagle, or your inner lion subtle is like the snake.
Find out here which combination of houses truly suits you!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

It's your first day at Hogwarts! What are you doing?
- Worrying about whether I’ll be popular
- Making friends with the nerds
- Making sure I get all the best classes
- Introducing myself to people who seem like fun
- Finding the Quidditch field
- Finding the library

Finish this sentence: "I can make the world a better place by using my ______ to ______."
- good nature/get my way
- knowledge/help people
- ideas/influence people
- love/support my friends
- teamwork/achieve my dreams
- intelligence/create change

What's your best subject at Hogwarts?
- History of Magic
- Magical Theory
- Flying
- Potions
- Defense Against the Dark Arts
- Care of Magical Creatures

How do you relate to the world?
- I take as much pleasure in my own success as I do the success of my friends
- The best times I have are with my friends, and with my books, in roughly that order
- I tend to be skeptical of other people’s intentions
- I’m a self-starter, but I’m often happier when I’m on a team
- People sometimes underestimate me, which is a big mistake
- I am driven by a strong desire to understand the world around me

Magical sweets are some of the best parts of the Harry Potter universe. What kind would you most like to sample?
Cauldron Cakes
Bernie Bott's Every Flavour Beans
Chocolate Frogs
Licorice Wands

The enchanted swamp Fred and George Weasley left at Hogwarts has expanded to fill the corridor, and you're late for Charms. You...
- Find anything nearby: books, robes, students, whatever — and attempt to build a bridge over it
- Sacrifice your freshly-opened bag of Honeydukes goodies by transfiguring them into a bridge and leaving it there, so others can cross the swamp
- Swiftly transfigure your schoolbag into a wooden bridge, cross the swamp, then turn the bridge back into your bag and head to class
- Attempt to jump, but Peeves pushes you in. You arrive late to Charms, grumbling and smelling of swamp juice
- Find a teacher to report the scamp who did this, then head a different way to class
- Walk across the hidden path…you know where it is because you were the one who expanded the swamp last night!

What do you think is your strongest quality?
- Cunning
- Loyalty
- Persuasiveness
- Intelligence
- Empathy
- Leadership

At Diagon Alley, you spot a small side alley with a glowing green light in a small courtyard. Seeing some old, dingy shops at the end, you...
- Wonder what’s down there, but follow your friend instead — you promised you’d help them choose new dress robes
- Tell your friend you want to check it out, but they drag you away, ignoring your protests
- Tell your friend where you’ll be — they can take it or leave it
- Turn down the alley, and drag your friend with you
- Sneak off to explore, alone
- You know what’s down there, and it’s not worth your time

What's your perfect hideaway?
- A warm, rich, wooden cabin in a pirate ship, full of huge armchairs, old maps and mysterious instruments
- A sunny conservatory with cushions, plants and a hot beverage waiting
- The library of a country mansion, filled with hundreds of books, a hell of a view and the promise of an afternoon undisturbed
- A cavernous room with a huge fire, leather sofas and some dark cabinets in the shadows that seem to be rattling…
- A quiet roof garden, where a plate of your favourite food and a stack of books await you
- A comfortable and practical study, filled with your most treasured possessions and a lock on the door

You find a heavy, rusted key on the steps to the Potions dungeon. What do you do?
- Take the key and show your friends. Everyone has a different idea about what it could open
- Pick the key up, and spend a few hours wondering whether to hand it in – and who to hand it in to
- Take the key down to Snape – it was found in the dungeon so that’s probably where it’s from. Also, Snape will give you house points for giving it in
- Pick the key up and spend the rest of the afternoon testing it on doors around Hogwarts
- Leave the key where you found it, but tell the next teacher you see
- Take it. It’s not stealing, right? Besides, it might be useful in future…

You get home after a particularly grueling day to find someone has devoured your stash of cauldron cakes — which you were saving for a day like this. How do you react?
- Leave a passive aggressive note on the common room noticeboard
- Bellow until someone answers, demanding to know who ate them, before retrieving a spare from your backup stash
- Wake the entire dormitory and demand information from everyone, before heading into the corridors to interrogate stragglers. When this proves unsuccessful you leave written threats demanding replacement cake on every door in Hogwarts
- Act nice to everyone, and manage to cleverly wheedle the information out of the culprit…then plot a subtle but deadly revenge
- Say nothing, but slip some baby Flobberworms into the suspect’s pumpkin juice at breakfast the next day
- Moan to yourself and work on a way to keep your food better hidden in future

A great wizard once brilliantly said, it is not our abilities that make us who we are — it is our choices. What would you choose to be while at Hogwarts?
- Curious and determined
- Patient and self-reliant
- Creative and perceptive
- Reliable and righteous
- Individual and inquisitive
- Self-confident and resourceful

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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