Should You Be a Full-time Quiz Writer? (Because We’re Hiring)

We’re hiring!

Things are growing like crazy here at MagiQuiz. It’s been about 6 weeks since we launched and we’re already closing in on 10 million page views. Numbers are climbing steadily and so is demand. We’re thrilled with how things are going, and now we need more help…

We’re ready Show More

We’re hiring!

Things are growing like crazy here at MagiQuiz. It’s been about 6 weeks since we launched and we’re already closing in on 10 million page views. Numbers are climbing steadily and so is demand. We’re thrilled with how things are going, and now we need more help…

We’re ready to hire our second full-time contributor.

We need a creative, strategic, and hard-working writer…or comedian…or viral hack…or stay-at-home mom. Or all of the above! Or none — we don’t care. When it comes down to it, we’re looking for a combination of  funny, smart, and cunning. Someone like that shouldn’t be so hard to find, right?

And since we’re a quiz site, we figured what better way to find our next writer than…a quiz!

Are you the viral genius and quiz magician we’re looking for? Let’s find out…

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What do you do in line at the grocery store?

Ready? Scroll down to answer
  • Read the headlines on the gossip magazines in the rack beside me. Maybe even pick one up to flip through if the old lady ahead of me is taking awhile to finish writing that check.
  • Scroll through Facebook.
  • Talk to the person behind me.
  • Take a moment and enjoy doing nothing, since I’m stuck here anyway.
  • Check my e-mail.

What did you get? Let us know in the comments!