Would You Drink Yourself? Find Out Which Coffee Drink You Are!

Coffee is the elixir of life. We rely on it to get up in the morning, to get us through those boring meetings at work, and sometimes to finish off a delicious meal. If you’re here, you’re probably a fan of coffee, but can we guess which coffee drink is the one that mirrors your personality?

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Coffee is the elixir of life. We rely on it to get up in the morning, to get us through those boring meetings at work, and sometimes to finish off a delicious meal. If you’re here, you’re probably a fan of coffee, but can we guess which coffee drink is the one that mirrors your personality?

You might not think coffee has a personality, but you’d be wrong. There’s a big difference between the single source pour over and the sugary Frappuccino. And the person who downs straight espresso? They’re a breed unto themselves.

Pour yourself a cup of joe and get ready for the ultimate coffee questionnaire, where we’ll look at your true essence and boil it down to a type of coffee. Getting caffeinated is a personal affair in this ultimate of all the coffee quizzes, the big one that will tell you what kind of coffee drink you are.

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