Die of Embarrassment 12 Different Ways And We’ll Predict When You’ll Actually Die

Nothing says “fun internet quiz” like talking about death! Yeah, we’re going there. The end result is going to be revealing when you’re going to actually die. All death is sad, whether it happens tomorrow or in 100 years or anywhere in between.

Now – that being said – you’ve hypothetically wishedShow More

Nothing says “fun internet quiz” like talking about death! Yeah, we’re going there. The end result is going to be revealing when you’re going to actually die. All death is sad, whether it happens tomorrow or in 100 years or anywhere in between.

Now – that being said – you’ve hypothetically wished for death or jokingly said you were dying more times than you can remember to count. It’s a fun half-joke we all throw out there. It happens most frequently when you’re embarrassed. You’d rather die than have to endure sitting in that moment for one second longer. Is it possible to die of embarrassment? We don’t know, we’re not scientists, but we’re going to kill you slowly with these extra embarrassing situations.

Survive these 12 questions and find out when you’ll actually die – not from embarrassment! Maybe from a shark attack or peacefully in your sleep one day. Who knows? We do, actually. Now, you should, too!

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Sex! Really fun, but super funny if you stop to think about it. Now, imagine the most embarrassing thing that could possibly happen to you during sex. What is it?

Ready? Scroll down to answer
  • Falling off the bed
  • Getting a cramp or getting stuck in a certain um, position.
  • Farting
  • Falling asleep during
  • Saying something completely mortifying because you got caught up in the moment

What did you get? Let us know in the comments!