How Well Do You Know Bob’s Burgers?

Bob’s Burgers is a show full of joy, a show full of family, a show full of weird side characters and bizarre plotlines and completely unexpected quirks that are hilarious and perfect. There are food puns, there’s intrigue, there’s class commentary, there’s erotic friend fiction. With so muchShow More

Bob’s Burgers is a show full of joy, a show full of family, a show full of weird side characters and bizarre plotlines and completely unexpected quirks that are hilarious and perfect. There are food puns, there’s intrigue, there’s class commentary, there’s erotic friend fiction. With so much perfection packed into one show, it can be hard to keep track of it all.

But if you’re a true Bob’s Burgers fan, you can remember all of these little details, from Bob and Linda’s high school memories to all the wild and wacky places that they visit throughout the show. It’s time for you to prove yourself.

If you think you love Bob’s Burgers, arm yourself with a burger, a couple of puns, and a hat with ears, because it’s time to head into battle against these tricky trivia questions. Find out if you’re a real Bob’s Burgers fan and take the quiz.

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Let's start with a softball: what is Bob and family's last name?

Ready? Scroll down to answer
  • Bergman
  • Belcher
  • Boucher
  • Brasco

What did you get? Let us know in the comments!