How Well Do You Remember 2018?

Did you forget that the Winter Olympics were this year? Yeah, they took place in PyeongChang, South Korea. Forget the Winter Olympics were even a thing? Is your brain too full of dread, nonsense, memes, and celebrity gossip? Us, too! Think about January 2018. Feels like forever ago, right? Probably Show More

Did you forget that the Winter Olympics were this year? Yeah, they took place in PyeongChang, South Korea. Forget the Winter Olympics were even a thing? Is your brain too full of dread, nonsense, memes, and celebrity gossip? Us, too! Think about January 2018. Feels like forever ago, right? Probably as far away as five years ago, but realistically it’s closer to 2017. The days bleed from one into another and the months move by too quickly for anyone’s comfort level. What’s a person to do?

How was your year in review? If it’s good or bad, you’re probably accidentally grouping it in with some events from your past, which we totally get. Time is a concept and totally relative depending on how you measure it. So, for this quiz, we’re going off of years. We’re going to give you 18 random things and you’re going to tell us if it was last year (2017) or this year aka 2018. Think you can outpace us or will you dominate this quiz? Grab your calendar and get going!

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Ah yes, the stock photo heard round the world. Remember this delightful meme? When was everyone obsessed with this distracted dude?

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  • 2018 and I wouldn’t be mad if it kept going.
  • It started in 2017, but we really honed the art of the distracted boyfriend meme in 2018.

What did you get? Let us know in the comments!