Only People With 20/20 Vision Can Pass This Bizzaro Celebrity “Spot The Difference” Quiz!

Celebrities: They’re just like us! Okay, so that’s not really true at all. They have way more money than we do, live much more extravagant lives, and their perfect skin makes ours look like it contracted some type of flesh-eating disease in comparison. It’s hard not to be jealous of the lives of celShow More

Celebrities: They’re just like us! Okay, so that’s not really true at all. They have way more money than we do, live much more extravagant lives, and their perfect skin makes ours look like it contracted some type of flesh-eating disease in comparison. It’s hard not to be jealous of the lives of celebs, but luckily, we’ve put together a quiz that should make things a bit easier for us all. The following 18 photos feature our favorite stars in, shall we say, somewhat strange situations. Whether that be them just making weird faces, in goofy outfits, mid-fall or just looking sad, every single one of these photos should put in a spring in your step after you take this quiz.

Think you’re eagle-eyed enough to find the tiny changes we’ve made to these weird celebrity pics? Put on your glasses and let’s get started! But no magnifying glasses. We’re trusting you, here.

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Which pointy-shouldered Gaga pic is just slightly different?

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