Which ’80s Teen Movie Character Are You?
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The 1980s gave us some of the best teen movies of the century. Whether they were hanging at the mall, going to wild parties, or being bored to death in class, we can’t help but relate in spite of the funky clothes and sky-high hairdos. A couple decades have passed, but how can you not throw out thShow More
The 1980s gave us some of the best teen movies of the century. Whether they were hanging at the mall, going to wild parties, or being bored to death in class, we can’t help but relate in spite of the funky clothes and sky-high hairdos. A couple decades have passed, but how can you not throw out the occasional Ferris Bueller quote or re-watch Sixteen Candles to drool over Jake Ryan?
There were plenty of characters to relate to and we all have our favorites. But if you had to travel back in time and be converted into a teen of the ‘80s, who would you be? The jock? The princess? The nerd? Take this quiz to find out which character you’d be if you were plopped right into the middle of a 1980s high school.

How do you like to spend your Friday nights?
- Sneaking into a bar through the bathroom window
- Hanging out in the parking lot of the local pizza place with a few buddies
- Grabbing a milkshake with big group of friends
- In bed watching TV in the dark
- Taking a walk in the woods with your significant other
- Dancing the night away at the all ages club

What’s the best way to get out of running laps in P.E.?
- Hide a handful of oatmeal in your pocket and use it as fake vomit
- Say you forgot your P.E. clothes at home
- Tell your teacher you’re having a bad day and hope they pity you
- Show the quality doctor’s note your friend forged for you
- Hide in your car for an hour
- Try to negotiate a deal with your teacher

If you could choose one thing to keep wearing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Ray Ban sunglasses
Hawaiian shirt
Flower crown
Sports jersey
Rhinestone broach
Converse Chucks

You’re on a date and things are not going well, how do you handle it?
- Set a phone alarm beforehand just in case. When it goes off, fake an emergency and ditch them!
- Ask for the check and pretend to go to the bathroom, but leave out the back door.
- Grin and bear it. It’ll all be over soon and you’ll never have to see them again.
- Apologize to the person because you feel like you ruined the date
- Break it to them that things just aren’t going to work out
- Get nervous and start talking too much, making everything much worse

Which artist is an essential in your ‘80s rock star playlist?
- The English Beat
- The Rolling Stones
- Cyndi Lauper
- Tears for Fears
- Misfits
- Billy Idol

Which word would the people at your school use to describe you?
- Extraordinary
- Laid back
- Who?
- Neurotic
- Popular
- Annoying

The school dance is coming up and word on the street is that your crush is still dateless too. How do you make a move?
- Break into their locker during passing period and set up a jack-in-the-box with a note attached asking if they’ll go with you.
- Just walk up and ask them out. If they say no, their loss!
- I could NEVER make a move! They don’t even know I exist.
- Casually bring up the dance in conversation and hope they ask you.
- Tell them you’re going together. How could they possibly turn down someone like you?
- Practice in front of the mirror but blurt it out the next time you see them

Your favorite band is in town and your BFF snagged two tickets but you’re grounded. How do you make it happen?
- Say you’ll be studying at a friend’s house and record voice clips for your friend to play over the phone if your parents call
- Just tell your parents you’re going! You’re already grounded so what else can they do?
- Sneak out after your parents go to sleep
- You don’t—you’re grounded, and that’s that.
- Just go, you’ll leave and be back before anyone even notices you were gone.
- Tell your parents you’re going to the library and they believe you because you never lie to them.

Which of these people always seems to cause you the most trouble in your life?
- Your brother/sister
- Teachers
- Annoying classmates
- Your parents
- Your friends
- Bullies

The science fair is in a week. What’s your project?
- Who needs a project when you can just pull the fire alarm the day it’s due?
- I’m sure I’ll come up with something eventually.
- A model of the solar system I painted myself
- Ugh don’t remind me, I’ve been stressing out about it for months.
- Blowing some stuff up
- An aerodynamic rocket that runs on baking soda and vinegar

Cha-ching! You just got your paycheck from working at the mall food court. What’s the first thing you buy?
Fake ID
Huge pizza
New outfit
Spa day for one
Self-defense class
Dirty magazine

Congrats, you got a brand new car for your birthday! Where’s the first place you’re headed?
- Miami
- 7-11
- Give your sibling a ride
- Back to bed
- Significant other’s house
- Strip club

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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