Answer ‘Game of Thrones’ Trivia and We’ll Tell You Which House You Belong In
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At long last, Game of Thrones is coming back for its final season in just a month. Are you ready? Winter is coming, so did you remember to wear layers and recruit a small army to defend your honor? Maybe it’ll finally get here after all. All in all, it’s been a handful of long books and hours upon hShow More
At long last, Game of Thrones is coming back for its final season in just a month. Are you ready? Winter is coming, so did you remember to wear layers and recruit a small army to defend your honor? Maybe it’ll finally get here after all. All in all, it’s been a handful of long books and hours upon hours of (golden, great) television. So, what do you remember? Hopefully a lot. If not, you have some catching up to do.
Before the last season and the ultimate battle come to pass, you should probably pledge allegiance to the right house for you. Think you’ll be on the winning side? You’d be surprised. You could be a thriving Stark or Targaryen or one of those other houses who should probably drop all claims to the throne and form an alliance ASAP. We’re not saying who, but you’ll find out eventually. Take this trivia quiz to see where in Westeros you belong!

Okay, die hard GoT fans. We know it's been a minute, but do you remember when this show usually airs on HBO?
- Sunday at 10 pm
- Friday at 9:30 pm
- Sunday at 9 pm
- Thursday at 10 pm
- Saturday at 9:30 pm
- Saturday at 9 pm

Who can forget that scene where the Sept of Baelor erupted in flames? What fire-like weapon destroyed it?
- Blackfyre
- Arakh
- Nightfall
- Wilfire
- Brightroar

House Tully is sort of a secondary house in the Game of Thrones world. Do you know what fish is on their sigil?

Before taking Gilly as his partner, Samwell Tarley had to help her escape her incestuous father. Do you remember his name?
- Craster
- Walder Frey
- Jeor Mormont
- Grenn
- Olyvar

Fill in the blank with this snippet from the Night's Watch oath: "I am the sword in the _______. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men."
- Shadows
- Darkness
- Blackness
- Shade
- Storm

When it comes to faith, do you remember what deities they're talking about when referring to the "Faith of the Seven"?
- The old gods and the new
- The old gods
- The new gods
- The drowned god
- The many faced god
- The lord of light

The Unsullied were an army from what city in Slaver's Bay before joining forces with Daenerys Targaryen?
- Mereen
- Elyria
- Astapor
- Tolos
- Yunkai

The Mountain is one of two Clegane brothers. The other Clegane is more commonly referred to as... what?
- The Hound
- The Three Eyed Raven
- Gendry
- Bronn
- Dickon

Daenerys is the mother of dragons. Unfortunately, one of her dragons was turned by the Night King. What's the name of the dragon that fell victim to the white walkers?

The Stark children are gifted with direwolves in the first episode of Game of Thrones. Which one belonged to Robb Stark?
- Summer
- Ghost
- Lady
- Nymeria
- Grey Wind

Did you know that "wildlings" is actually a derogatory term for the people north of the wall who actually refer to themselves as... what?
- Children of the forest
- First men
- Free folk
- The Thenn
- Horn foots

Arya Stark kills Meryn Trant as one of the many people on her revenge list. Who's death is she avenging? Who's death does she hold Meryn responsible for?
- Nedd Stark
- Catelyn Stark
- Mordane
- Yoren
- Syrio Forel

King's Landing isn't all thrones made of swords and Lannister opulence. What are the slums of this area of Westeros called?
- Flea Bottom
- The Hook
- Yaros
- Guildhall
- Red Keep

The poison used to kill Joffrey goes by a name. Do you know it?
- Milk of the poppy
- Wolfsbane
- Widow’s breath
- The strangler
- Essence of nightshade

Do you remember when Brienne of Tarth gets captured with Jamie Lannister and is forced to battle an animal gladiator style? What animal was it?

Ramsay Bolton's death was a happy occasion for GoT watchers everywhere. His execution came at the culmination of what battle?
- The Battle of Winterfell
- The Battle of the Bastards
- The Battle of Blackwater
- The Battle of Castle Black
- The Battle at Hardhome

Daario Naharis is the leader of an army that eventually joins forces with Daenerys. What is the name of that army?
- Brothers Without Banners
- The Unsullied
- Sons of the Harpy
- Second Sons
- Dothraki

The Hound resurfaced after everyone thought he was dead. He's alive thanks to Brother ________, who nursed him back to health. What was the name of the person that found him?
- Morgan
- Lem
- Flynn
- Tad
- Ray
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