Answer These Morality Questions And We’ll Guess The Worst Thing You’ve Ever Done
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There’s no easy decision maker when it comes to knowing what’s wrong and what’s right. Some things are obvious – don’t murder other people – and for other things, there’s more of a grey area. It’s a spectrum, if you’re willing to look at it like that. Stealing? Bad. Stealing to feed yourself and youShow More
There’s no easy decision maker when it comes to knowing what’s wrong and what’s right. Some things are obvious – don’t murder other people – and for other things, there’s more of a grey area. It’s a spectrum, if you’re willing to look at it like that. Stealing? Bad. Stealing to feed yourself and your family? I mean, have you seen Aladdin? Do you think he should have gone to jail for a loaf of bread? Let’s talk about the ethical high ground, morals and values, here. What are yours? Get specific.
What you think is right and wrong is probably just an elaborate defense mechanism you have in place to justify the absolute worst thing you’ve ever done in your life. You read that correctly. Your supposed good nature and wholesome outlook is just smoke and mirrors covering up the deep, dark grime and muck that is your ‘bad side’. So, what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done? We bet we can guess and we probably won’t tell anyone if we get it right.

Oh no! You caught your best friend's significant other cheating on them! Do you tell your friend?
- Of course!
- I’ll tell them if their partner doesn’t tell them first
- I’ll only tell them after they hear it from their partner first
- I won’t tell them, but I’ll make damn sure their partner does.
- Never! It’s between them, I’ll mind my own business.

Okay, now no one's looking... STEAL SOMETHING! What do you swipe?
GettyPens from the bank
GettyNapkins from a diner
GettyToilet paper from work
GettyPint glasses from the bar

You cut it too close and accidentally smacked into a parked car while pulling into a spot. It's dented pretty badly. What should you do now?
- Bolt out of there as quickly as I can
- Park somewhere else not next to that car and continue on with my day
- Leave a note with my information so we can settle this on our own
- Immediately call the police and file an accident report

Oh look, a very nice wallet with a ton of money in it has lost it's home. Good thing you were here to find it. Now what?
- Return the wallet to the nearest authority figure. The owner will be back shortly, right?
- Use the ID inside and return it to the owner yourself.
- Treat yourself to a sandwich with their debit card before returning it.
- Swipe the cash before returning it.
- Keep it! The owner is clearly wealthy and won’t miss anything in it.

An acquaintance is telling a horribly offensive joke that isn't about you but still deeply upsetting. Do you say anything?
- I tell them how and why what they just said was wrong
- Ask them to describe why they thought that was funny
- Engage in a civil dbate
- Leave the conversation
- Politely laugh and remember to never speak to this person again

It's an icy road and your car is slipping! It's out of control! Do you swerve your car into...
- A school bus full of children
- An ambulance with first responders and a person in distress

You just got credit for a job well done! The bad news is that it wasn't your idea or your work, it was someone else's. Uh oh... now what?
- Say thank you and take the credit
- Say thank you then apologize to the person who actually did the work
- Say thank you then acknowledge that while you may have collaborated but the person who’s idea it was lead the charge.
- Crumble under pressure and confess that you had nothing to do with this.

You escaped a house fire with nothing but the clothes on your back. You only have one time to go back and save one thing. What do you grab?
GettyMy pets
GettyMy phone
GettyMy valuables
GettySentimental photos

Well lookie here... Your awful ex has left themselves logged on to Facebook on your computer. Oh the possibilities... What do you do?
- Snoop through their messages folder
- Change their password and recovery e-mail address
- Post an embarrassing status
- Delete all the photos you have together on their account
- Mess with their privacy settings. You’re getting game invites from everyone, you jerk!
- Log off

Robin Hood steals from the rich and gives to the poor. Other than being a good story, how do you feel about that principle? Or Robin Hood for that matter?
- Not into it – stealing is bad no matter what!
- It’s only passable because he’s a charitable character.

You're waiting at a red light on a main road in the early morning. There's no one around and this red light is taking FOREVER. You...
- Just go!
- Wait another 30 seconds then go
- Snail my way across just to be sure no one else is coming
- Stay put. Those are the rules.

When it comes down to it, ultimately, would you rather...
- Live an honest, ethical life but be dirt poor.
- Have a ton of money from doing illegal things and earning your wealth in a shady manner

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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