Answer These Questions and We’ll Tell You What Dog Breed to Adopt
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For starters: ADOPT DON’T SHOP. Follow up question: what breed are you going to get? Dogs are human’s best friend, but there’s a lot of different kinds of humans and similarly a lot of different dogs out there. While every dog is a good boy (10/10, five stars, would recommend) you have to find the rShow More
For starters: ADOPT DON’T SHOP. Follow up question: what breed are you going to get? Dogs are human’s best friend, but there’s a lot of different kinds of humans and similarly a lot of different dogs out there. While every dog is a good boy (10/10, five stars, would recommend) you have to find the right boy. Like finding the right person to settle down with, we’re told than “when you know, you know.” You and this dog may lock eyes across a crowded shelter… Ooooor, you can answer these random questions.
Yes, this jumbled up series of queries will assess what dog breed is right for you. Do you want a dog? Already have a dog? GET ANOTHER ONE! YOUR DOG NEEDS A DOG The more (dogs) the merrier! What are you going to name it? Are you going to crate train? Before you answer any of these questions, you gotta meet the little one first. Now, which dog breed is meant for you? Let’s find out!

When it comes to preparing a meal at home, you would rather _________. (Fill in the blank!)
- Do the cooking.
- Do the dishes.
- Take the hit to my bank account, go out to eat, and pay someone else to do both of these things.

This is a tough decision, but one that must be made. Pick out your favorite Queer Eye guy!
- Jonathan
- Antoni
- Karamo
- Bobby
- Tan
- Uh… none of them?

If you were to magically absorb which talent, what one would you want?
GettyHave an amazing singing voice
GettyBe a masterful painter
GettyBe a great dancer
GettyBe a genius guitar player

Happy birthday to you! When is it, by the way? Pick out your birth month, please.
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December

What drink do you like to have with your breakfast? If you have more than one, which is the most important to you?
- Coffee
- Tea
- Juice
- Milk
- Water
- Smoothie/protein shake

What would best describe your ideal living situation? Where would your dream home be?
- In the city
- By the beach
- On a farm
- In the mountains
- In the suburbs

Follow your nose and pick out the smell that you like the best!
- Pine trees
- Fresh baked cookies
- Clean laundry
- Lemons
- Lavender
- Patchouli

If you had access to a time machine, what time period would you most want to travel to?
- The 1960’s (mainly for Woodstock).
- The roaring 20’s
- The wild west
- Medieval times
- Ancient Egypt
- The only correct answer: GO HANG OUT WITH DINOSAURS.

Which of the following sounds the most relaxing to you right now?
GettyTaking a bath
GettyReading a book
GettyGoing for a run

If you won the lottery, your first major splurge would be on... what?
- A mansion
- A luxury car
- An elaborate vacation.
- A completely new wardrobe
- I’d buy nothing, just get out of debt then retire.

If housing this creature were not an obstacle (also laws), which exotic animal would you most like to have as a pet?
- Koala
- Penguin
- Sloth
- Monkey
- Fox
- Peacock

What's one bad habit of yours that you wish you could break once and for all?
- Nail biting
- Smoking
- Social media stalking.
- Running late to everything.
- Interrupting others.
- Losing your keys.

Out of all the possible variations of music, which genre would you say is your favorite?
- Country
- Heavy metal
- Hip hop
- Motown
- Folk
- Top 40 pop

It absolutely gets on your nerves when other people do what?
- Litter
- Cut you off in traffic.
- Have an annoying laugh.
- Are too sincere on social media.
- Brag about themselves.
- Constantly correct other people’s speech and grammar.

What's your favorite season (even if you live somewhere with no "real" seasons)?

Pretend you only get one pizza topping for the rest of your life. Which one are you picking?
- Pepperoni
- Mushrooms
- Onions
- Sausage
- Fresh basil
- Pineapple

If you could transform into any mythical creature, which being would you become?
- Unicorn
- Centaur
- Werewolf
- Pixie
- Mermaid
- Dragon

Lastly, pick a random number. Just whatever random number strikes your fancy the most. Do it!
- 0
- 32
- 69
- 95
- 111
- 365

How neat and tidy are you?
- I’m anal about a flawlessly clean house.
- I’m mostly clean…not perfect.
- It’s called organized chaos.
- Yes, I’m a pig. No shame!

If we asked your friends, what would they say is your best quality?
- My ability to set and achieve goals.
- My kind spirit.
- My generosity.
- My creativity and intelligence.
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