Are You Actually a Nerd, Geek, or Dork?
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Star Wars vs. Star Trek, Mac vs. PC, iPhone vs. Android…
…These are battles fought on a daily basis, with each side rallying behind their clear cut differences to the other side. However, there is another battle which is much less defined and much more confusing (and we’re not talking about cShow More
Star Wars vs. Star Trek, Mac vs. PC, iPhone vs. Android…
…These are battles fought on a daily basis, with each side rallying behind their clear cut differences to the other side. However, there is another battle which is much less defined and much more confusing (and we’re not talking about current events in the Middle East.)
Nerd, Geek, Dork… Words that were born as pure insults in the past are now labels that many wear proudly. But do you know the differences between the three? Take this quiz to find out, and learn which camp you belong to!

Someone stops you on the street to ask for directions. How do you respond?
- I scoff and then tell them to use Google Maps.
- I point them towards the nearest library and tell them to go from there.
- I gladly point them towards their destination, as I’m largely familiar with the area.
- I pretend to not hear them and then dart across the street, largely out of shame and fear.

Someone quotes a line from one of your favorite movies/anime/TV show/book. You immediately...
- Try to correct them, but end up also being corrected by someone else.
- Ignore it, as what’s more important is analyzing the intricacies of the plot.
- Recite the correct line, then berate them for not being a true fan.
- Laugh it off, it’s no big deal.

Would you rather spend money on things or experiences?
Things... to enhance my room/workplace!
Experiences... to enrich my life!

A group of like-minded friends want to hang out at your place. What activity do you have planned?
- A tabletop RPG, where we continue our last campaign from last week.
- Watch, then discuss the latest and greatest TED talks.
- All my friends are too ‘busy’ to hang out with me!
- A Netflix and popcorn night.

Which cuddly critter making a funny face do you like?

One of your favorite movies is out in theaters tomorrow. You...
- Can’t watch it because your mom/dad/relative won’t drive you.
- Dress up as the hero/villain and line up early for the premiere
- Wait for the Bluray release, as it’s more efficient than going to the movies.
- Buy advance tickets online and show up early to get a good seat.

You're out on a first date with someone you're totally into. What's your first question?
- I don’t go on dates, I have more productive uses of my time.
- What superpowers we would both want, and how it relates to our favorite superheroes.
- I usually call off the date because I get overly anxious about what to talk about.
- Ask about their interests and what they like about me.

Which of these events would you be comfortable at?

- …is power.
- …is half the battle.
- …is secondary to nunchuck, bow hunting, and computer hacking skills.
- …has to be improved, challenged, and increased constantly, or it vanishes.

You find an extra $20 bill in your pocket. What do you buy with it?
- A shiny new figurine for my desk.
- My next meal or snack.
- Renew a trade magazine subscription.
- IÂ hold onto it tight – IÂ lost a $20 bill earlier.

You're stuck in a stalled elevator for 8 hours. Who would you want to be stuck with?
Nathan Fillion!
Neil deGrasse Tyson!
I'd rather freak out alone.
An elevator technician!

What matters to you more: character or reputation?
Character... I stay true to myself!
Reputation... determines a lot in life!

Name this celebrity!
- I have no idea nor interest in knowing who this is.
- Kim Kardashian!
- Her last name sounds like ‘Cardassian’, which is a species in Star Trek!
- Someone who’s way out of my league.
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