Are You Actually a True Cancer?
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Just because you were born in the time of a Cancer doesn’t mean you are a full Cancer. So let’s find out your alignment with the zodiac, how much of a Cancer are you really?Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option belShow More
Just because you were born in the time of a Cancer doesn’t mean you are a full Cancer. So let’s find out your alignment with the zodiac, how much of a Cancer are you really?Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

You've been described as...
- Defensive
- Boastful
- Creative
- Moody

You call to wish your dad a happy birthday and he starts grilling you about your lack of a job. You...
- Tear up, but try not to let him know that he hurt your feelings
- Laugh, and remind him that he doesn’t have a job either
- Think of a way I can better respond to him the next time he asks
- Hardly even notice small stuff like that

What's your home like?
- I’m hardly ever there!
- My place is cool — a little messy, but it gets the job done
- My spot is my safe haven — without cozy alone time, I’d go insane!
- I’m a total homebody

Think about your last relationship. You...
- Still miss my ex, and wish things had gone differently
- Try not to look at their social media — it’s like a punch in the gut
- Have dated like seven people this month already
- Don’t even think about that idiot

Which pattern feels most like you?

If you were stuck in an elevator with a group of strangers, you would be the one...
- Coaching them out of having a heart attack
- Having a panic attack
- In the corner, having a deep conversation about my childhood
- Pounding the walls and screaming

Crap, you're about to get a speeding ticket! How do you get out of it?
- Flash the cop — wink wink, nudge nudge!
- Turn on the waterworks
- The cop is my neighbor! I’ll just make them some cookies
- Pfft, I’ll just speed off before they can even catch me

What makes you feel guilty?
- When I lie to my friends to get out of going out so I can stay in and watch TV
- When I yell at my mom
- When I hang out with my bestie’s ex…again
- Guilty? I never feel guilty

Do you worry about the future?
- At the moment, my biggest worry is that I didn’t buy enough mac and cheese
- I wake up in the middle of the night, worrying about finding my soul mate
- Who doesn’t?
- Sure, I worry, but I don’t let it affect my mood

Your friend has been changing their mind about where we should eat for the past hour. You...
- Silently shoot daggers at them with my eyes
- Already ditched them to get my own food!
- Keep throwing out suggestions
- Ugh, ignore them; they’re always pulling this selfish crap

The last emotional thing you experienced was...
- A dog food commercial
- My niece being born last year
- A Bruno Mars song
- Uh, I was thrilled when my boss quit?

Are you a good judge of character?
- Yes, I seem to be able to ‘read’ people pretty accurately
- Usually, but I’ve been wrong in the past
- I’m not sure, but I think so
- No — I get played pretty often

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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