How Introverted or Extroverted Are You?
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Extroverts are energized by their surroundings, while introverts prefer to be with their own thoughts.
Are you an introvert, an extrovert, or something in between? Find out here!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an optionShow More
Extroverts are energized by their surroundings, while introverts prefer to be with their own thoughts.
Are you an introvert, an extrovert, or something in between? Find out here!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

Sometimes, others see our skills better than we can. What job do others often say you’d be good at?
- Sales
- Therapist
- Accountant
- Mediator
- Poltician
- Web Developer
- Computer Programmer

It’s the best day ever — you got a promotion at work! Who do you share the news with?
- My S.O. — more cash for date nights!
- LinkedIn network
- Facebook. The whole world should know!
- My parents. They’re always proud of my accomplishments.

You got fired from your job and are quite embarrassed. Who do you tell?
- No one. I’ll apply for jobs and hopefully get one immediately.
- Only my closest friends. I need comfort.
- Everyone. If I’m on the market, I might as well start networking!

The community theater has announced plans for a local production of your favorite play! How do you want to get involved?
- Backstage tech. I don’t need the limelight.
- Lead, front and center. My time to shine!
- A supporting role could be fun.
- I’ll buy a ticket and watch.

It's Friday evening, and you just finished work. Where would you like to go tonight?
My warm bathtub
On a dinner date
To a wild party
On an adventure

It’s Friday and you just finished work! Where are you getting ready to go?

You went to your cousin’s birthday party and had a great time! When you get home, how do you feel?
- Great! It’s nice to see old friends and meet new people.
- Exhausted. Parties can be draining.

It’s Thursday and no one’s made plans with you for the weekend. How do you feel?
- Relieved! It’ll be nice to be alone for once.
- Indifferent. I usually don’t make plans on the weekends.
- Restless. I’ll be bored without someone to play with!

Hurry, the phone’s ringing! Just before answering, you notice the number is blocked. Do you answer?
- Sure. It could be important.
- Only if I was expecting a call anyway.
- Heck, no! I only answer calls from numbers I know.

Happy birthday to you! Do you like celebrating the anniversary of your existence?
- Not really. It’s just another day.
- Why not? It’s nice to be with friends and family.
- Of course! I love celebrating, especially when it’s about me.

At parties, I like to…
- Escape the room and be by myself.
- Make an effort to meet the right people.
- Learn what I can from others.
- Talk to everyone and have great conversations.

Before making a big decision, I have to…
- Know that it feels right.
- Have as much information as possible.
- Write a pros-cons list.

The best word to describe me is…
- Adaptable
- Empathic
- Excitable
- Grounded
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