Are You Pronouncing the Names of These US Cities Correctly? This Quiz Will Tell You.
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American English is one of the most unpredictable languages that exist in the world. And many cities in the U.S. are named after people who are long forgotten or only preserved in the history books. It is for these reasons that some U.S. cities can be so hard to pronounce. This difficult quiz wShow More
American English is one of the most unpredictable languages that exist in the world. And many cities in the U.S. are named after people who are long forgotten or only preserved in the history books. It is for these reasons that some U.S. cities can be so hard to pronounce. This difficult quiz will test your knowledge of American cities, but we are not focusing on geography or history. This is strictly about how you pronounce the names of these cities. What are the subtleties of the way you pronounce the strange name of that city in Massachusetts: Worcester? Is it Spokane, Washington like a can of soda or like a candy cane? You might actually be surprised by some of the answers. So go ahead! Take this quiz, test your knowledge of some of the country’s hard-to-pronounce cities, and then be sure to check your answers when after you get your result!

If you’re visiting Disney World, there’s no way you can miss Kissimmee! This Florida city has so much to offer. How do you pronounce it?
- KISS-ah-mee
- ka-SIM-mee

Only New Englanders can properly pronounce Worcester. This college town is in the middle of Massachusetts.
- WUSS-ster
- WAR-ches-ter
- WAR-seh-ster

Helena, Montana is known for its natural beauty. But don’t let the locals catch you saying it incorrectly! What’s the proper way of uttering the name?
- ha-LAY-nah
- ha-LEE-nah
- HELL-en-ah

Wilkes-Barre is a little town outside of Pennsylvania’s electric city. But its name doesn’t sound as it seems! How do you say it?
- wilks BAR
- WILKS bear-ee
- wilks ba-RAY

Boise is surprisingly a hot vacation destination. How do you pronounce this Idaho capital?

Holla from La Jolla! If you know how to speak Spanish, this California beach town should be a breeze.
- la HAL-lah
- la JAW-lah
- la HOY-yah

Bangor is home to the legendary lumberjack giant Paul Bunyan. But if you incorrectly pronounce the name of Maine’s third largest city, you will make the locals angry. How should you say it?
- BANG-goar
- BANG-er
- bang-GAR

There are a few Norfolks in the United States, but they say it a little differently in Virginia. How should you pronounce the name of this Chesapeake metropolis?
- nor-FOHK
- NAW-fik
- NOR-falk

You either ‘can’ or ‘can’t’ pronounce the name of Spokane, Washington correctly. Which is right?

Here’s a doozy! Wytopitlock is a small village in eastern Maine. How do you say it?
- wit-oh-PIT-lawk
- WHY-toh-PIT-lick
- wit-OH-pit-LUCK

Patchogue is a small town on Long Island, New York. Think long and hard about how you should say this.
- PAT-cha-gyoo
- PATS-hog
- PATCH-awg

New England certainly has funny town names. How do you say Leominster?
- LEM-on-ster
- LE-oh-MIN-ster
- lao-MEN-ster

Named after the Spanish word for irrigation ditch. How do you pronoucne Acequia, Idaho?
- uh-SEEK-we-uh
- ah-SAY-kwah

Cayuga is named after the Native American tribe that lived in New York State and was forced to migrate westward and northwest. But how do you say it?
- Kay-OH-gah
- Kye-OO-gah
- Kee-UGH-AH
- Kay-UGH-gah

Fort Duchesne, Utah is named after a common French name meaning "of the oak tree." What is your guess of how to pronounce it?
- Du-shay-ne
- Doo-shes-nee

Do you know how to pronounce Port Hueneme, California correctly? The name derives from a Chumash word meaning "resting place."
- Wy-nee-mee
- Hoo-nay-may
- Hue-knee-may
- Hoo-nem-mee

Is this one a challenge for you? How do you say Sayre, Oklahoma?
- Sigh-ree
- Say-ree
- Say-er

No time to take a break! Weyauwega, Wisconsinmeans "here we rest" because the location was a stopping between two rivers. It's pronounced:
- Way-Yao-WAY-Gah
- Wy-a-WEE-ga

This one is a bit tricky. Auxier, Kentucky? Named after a family who used different spellings of their name. But it's definitely pronounced:
- Ok-Sur
- Awk-SEE-ur

Hahira, Georgia. It's a bit of a mystery who made this name up but it's definitely pronounced:
- Hah-ee-RAH
- hay-HI-ra
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