Are You Ready for College?
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It’s the season for freshmen to start heading towards dorms and roaming campus in packs. But are you ready to matriculate and become part of the class of 2020?Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. Show More
It’s the season for freshmen to start heading towards dorms and roaming campus in packs. But are you ready to matriculate and become part of the class of 2020?Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

How often is it acceptable to eat ramen noodles?
- Whose parents make them ramen noodles?
- They’re a college staple for a reason, but one cannot live on ramen alone.
- No way am I going to be falling into the ramen trap! Good healthy meals for me.
- Um…every day?

Do you wake yourself up, or does a parent have to?
- I can’t deny that when I’m on my own I tend to not make it to school on time.
- I have an alarm clock that works just fine.
- I use my own alarm clock, but every now and then a parent does have to come harass me to get up.
- My mom gets me up every day.

How often do you turn in assignments late?
- When I have a busy week I usually end up with a few late assignments.
- I have a hard time staying organized, which means I miss a lot of deadlines.
- It’s more abnormal for me to turn something in on time.
- Almost never unless there’s a major extenuating circumstance.

What's the longest paper you've ever written?
- 2 pages
- 5 pages
- 10 pages
- 15 pages

You hope your dorm room will look like...

Do you know what you want to major in?
- I have a few ideas, but I’m planning to try a couple classes in each before I make a final decision.
- I have the next four years of my life planned. I know exactly what I’m doing.
- Not really. Maybe history?
- I’ll probably pick one in a couple years.

You've always been a straight A student and you get back your first paper in college with a C+. What do you do?
- I’ve…definitely never been a straight A student.
- I brush it off. It was just a fluke.
- I go straight to the teacher and demand a different grade, or at least to know why it was so bad. I have to fix this.
- I look over what I did to try to understand the grade, and during office hours talk to the professor to see what I can do differently in the future.

You get invited to a frat party. Do you go?
- Hell yes! Isn’t that what college is about?
- Probably, unless there’s a big test tomorrow. I am going to be hurting after this party.
- Probably not. I don’t really drink much, and I have some clubs I’m doing in the evenings. Maybe if my friends go.
- I prefer smaller parties with my friends. I try to stay balanced between studying and having fun though, so maybe.

How often do you drink?
- I don’t drink.
- I know I’m underage, but I’ve had alcohol a few times. I know what my limits are though, and it’s not something I like to do very often.
- I haven’t ever really had alcohol before which is why I’m looking forward to college. Time to party!
- Probably more than I should.

Can you do your own laundry?
- I don’t understand how this is a question.
- Does it count if I don’t sort darks and lights and I’ve never used stain remover?
- Sure. I CAN do my own laundry.

When left to your own devices, how often do you leave your room?
- I have a lot going on, so I’m not at home much. I like to stay involved.
- There are occasionally days where I don’t go anywhere, but usually I’m out and about.
- I have been known to spend a full weekend on my computer.
- Does it count as leaving the house if I go over to my friend’s to smoke pot?

Have you ever had to do public speaking?
- I’ve given a few presentations in school, but I really do not like them.
- We had to do a couple presentations or lead class each year in school. I feel fairly comfortable with it.
- I actually really enjoy presenting, especially academic information!
- You cannot make me speak in front of other people.

How often do you speak up in class?
- When the teacher calls on me.
- Getting me to talk in class is like herding cats.
- I try to offer something a couple times a week.
- I LOVE class discussions. I can’t get involved enough.
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