Call Upon Your Inner DC Girl Power with This Quiz!
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Most of us at some point in our lives have wished we could be a superhero. While we might not be superheroes, that doesn’t mean the spirit of some of our favorite caped crusaders are lying dormant inside of us waiting for us to awaken to our full potential. Every day, we are faced with challenges Show More
Most of us at some point in our lives have wished we could be a superhero. While we might not be superheroes, that doesn’t mean the spirit of some of our favorite caped crusaders are lying dormant inside of us waiting for us to awaken to our full potential. Every day, we are faced with challenges that cause us to make decisions based on our instinct, morals, and the amount of coffee we’ve had that day. Well, we’ve gathered a list of questions and scenarios that a superhero may find themselves in on a daily basis, and we want you to answer them. Make sure to answer them in the way that you honestly think you would react. There are no wrong answers and every result is a powerful and unique hero. Be honest. We won’t judge. ?Answer these questions and find out what DC hero lies dormant within you.

You’re walking around when you hear a voice calling out for help from a dark alley: what do you do?
- Swoop in directly but quietly without hesitation, there may be little time left to save them.
- Approach cautiously. What if it’s a trap or a prank?
- Find higher ground and scope out the situation.
- Quickly investigate the surrounding area to see if there are any clues that may give you insight into what you’re walking into.
- Honestly? It just depends on my mood, but on most days I would head in and see if I could help.
- Swoop in and scream that help is on the way. Maybe that will frighten the attacker, and if that doesn’t you KNOW your combat skills will.

You’re shopping at a gas station when someone comes in to rob the place. They haven’t noticed you’re there and there’s an easy way out. What do you do?
- Confidently call out for the assailant to stop before you intervene to get the cashier to safety.
- Sneak quietly around the store as you think of the best way to handle the situation in a way that gets both you and the cashier to safety quickly.
- Throw the biggest, heaviest thing you can find and rush in to help fight off the assailant while the cashier calls 911.
- Call the police and escape out of the exit.
- Cause a huge distraction that calls the robbers attention away from both yourself and the cashier and get out of there.
- Swoop in quickly and without warning to disarm and take down the assailant while the cashier calls the police.

You’re making dinner when you accidentally start a grease fire. You can easily get out, but your dog is upstairs and the fire is spreading quickly. What do you do
- Leave the fire and rush up to get your furry friend. You refuse to leave you doggo behind.
- Use your knowledge of the kitchen to keep the fire contained long enough to fetch your dog and get out.
- You’ve spent so much time with your dog that it’s trained to react to situations like this. You give a verbal command and they automatically know to flee the house.
- Using your quick reaction and intellect you contain the fire in a way that allows you to snuff it out. No biggie. Kitchen’s ruined though
- Call for your dog and hope they come. If not, it’s a tragic and unfortunate loss, but ultimately you know you have to save yourself
- Just leave. It’s not that you don’t love the dog, you just know that its smart enough to get out on its own. If it’s not, well you’re not really losing anything *shrugs*

What types of character archetypes do you tend to gravitate?
The wise and perceptive type. The woman that’s always three steps ahead of her enemies and one step behind her allies to watch their backs. Think Hermione Granger.
The brave and bold hero that selflessly sacrifices herself to save others. Think Avatar Korra.
The quirky weird one. If we’re being honest, it’s usually the animal friend. Think Luna Lovegood.
The sexy intellectual that uses both brains and brawn to take control of her life. Think Phoebe Halliwell.
The dark mysterious types. The ones who might start off as a villain but have a change of heart, or the one capable of calling the hard shots when no one else wants to. Think Rowena Macleod.
The stately and regal type. But that’s not to be confused with a damsel in distress. You love the characters that have some substance and style to their slay. Think Storm.

What’s your Hogwarts house?
Gryffindor, baby *roars like a lion*
I’m a Hufflepuff fren.
I actually don’t go to Hogwarts. Sorry.
Is it not clear? I am a Ravenclaw.
Wait, hogsa what's that now?
Seriously? *sigh* I’m a Slytherin, now please, enough redundant questions.

What element do you find yourself drawn to the most?
I like the delicate but deadly potential of Wind.
The sturdy dependability of Earth is my jam.
I find myself drawn to the comforting renewal of Darkness.
I am obsessed with the warmth and glow of Fire.
The healing and multifaceted Water calls to me.
The ever honest and intensity of Light calls to me.

You’ve cornered your arch nemesis, a violent and sadistic murderer, what do you do with them?
- Kill them, but only after an angry lecture about how the world is truly better off without people like them in it.
- Talk to them first. You’ll kill them if you believe it’s truly your only option, but if you believe there’s room for change, you will send them to prison.
- Do your best to subdue and take them in alive, but if they put up too much of a fuss you may be forced to kill them.
- Arrest them. Under absolutely no circumstance would you kill them.
- Subdue them and call for someone else to pick them up. You’d rather not be around to deal with questions.
- Kill them. No talk. No explanation. They’re well aware of what they did and why they have to pay.

You discover your best friend’s significant other is guilty of infidelity, what do you do?
- Confront them and tell them to get their *poop emoji* together before you tell her.
- Steal his phone and swap the side pieces number with your best friend so when he texts them he exposes himself. You sneaky cat.
- Sit down with your friends and give their mate the opportunity to be honest. If they don’t come clean you spill the beans.
- Sit down with your best friend and tell her straight up.
- Say nothing directly but be really passive aggressive and drop hella hints so your bestie clearly knows what’s up.
- Do nothing. Your friend is smart. She probably already knows, but it’s not really your battle to fight.

How important is family to you?
- Very. Blood is bond and therefore life.
- It’s as much about the relationships you build over the ones you’re born into, but I still love my family dearly!
- You love family and extended family and work families. Just all the families.
- I’m close to a few family members, but other than that I’d rather have friends.
- I don’t much care for family….sorry.
- I’m very close to all of my family even though we were a bit estranged at first.

Are you more likely to give tricks or treats for Halloween?
- Definitely treats. Everyone deserves a little pick me up.
- I like tricks. Everyone gives out treats, lets shake it up a bit.
- A healthy balance of tricks and treats! This is my all time favorite holiday.
- I’m not giving out anything xD I’m trick or treating myself, tf?
- A treat that’s a trick.
- A trick that’s a treat.

Would you have a sidekick?
- Not really, but I might have a pupil or two.
- No. I don’t necessarily work alone, but I’m not into the sidekick gig either. I prefer squads.
- Not right now. Sidekicks are like kids. I’m open to it just like not right now, ya know?
- No thanks, and quite frankly no one needs to take up my mantle when I’m gone either.
- I don’t even think I can handle myself tbh. Hard pass.
- Does an army count?

Tell us a little about your ideal hero costume.
As long as there’s a cape, I really could not care any less. *starts swooshing nonexistent cape*
Something practical with pockets to hold all of my things. Lipstick, cell phone, ninja stars. Regular stuff.
Skin tight in a practical way. If it’s sexy well that’s just a plus not an intention.
Just something chill and casual honestly. I don’t really like fighting.
I don’t really need a costume if my clothes are cute. Fashion forward fiend fighter at your service.
I would pull from the practical aspects of other heroes’ costumes to make sure my abilities are able to be used at their fullest potential

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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