Do You Have a Male or Female Brain?
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Does your brain match your gender identity? Do you think you’re more of a male or female? Well, we’ve got a way to determine which gender you’re more like. Through a series of 18 tough questions (just kidding, they’re simple and fun), you’ll get accurate results that will, in fact, determine whetherShow More
Does your brain match your gender identity? Do you think you’re more of a male or female? Well, we’ve got a way to determine which gender you’re more like. Through a series of 18 tough questions (just kidding, they’re simple and fun), you’ll get accurate results that will, in fact, determine whether or not you’re more male or female. You read that right, folks! Only here at MagiQuiz can you take such a quiz and get results that are guaranteed to make your day.
Here are a few sample questions for ya. Do you like karaoke? Or are you the type of person who’s only going to sing in the shower? Hmmm, be honest now! Well, we can’t give you any results right here, and we need you to complete a few more questions before we can determine anything. So now’s the time to find out the truth! Take this quiz to see if you think more like a man or a woman!

What was your favorite subject in school?
- Math
- Science
- Writing
- English
- Art
- Music
- History

Are you right-handed or left-handed?
- Right-handed
- Left-handed
- I’m ambidextrous

Are you generally good at learning new languages?
- Yes! I pick them up easily.
- Yes, but it can stress me out. I need to focus on it.
- I wouldn’t admit that it can be difficult.
- No, but I wish I were.

What's your relationship status?
- Single
- Taken
- It’s complicated

Everyone gives directions differently. Which makes more sense to you?
- Turn left onto Broadway toward McDonald’s. You’re going to turn left at the second Dunkin’ Donuts and it will be the third blue house on the right.
- Turn west on to Broadway and keep straight for two miles. Turn south on to Griffin Road and in 2/10 of a mile, your destination will be on the right.
- Just tell me to keep straight, turn left, or turn right.
- Neither. I suck at following directions. I’d rather take an Uber.

Which of the following emoji's do you use most often?
Winking face with stuck out tongue emoji
GettyPoo emoji
Kissy face emoji
Eggplant emoji

You’re having an interesting conversation with an intriguing person. What kind of body language is sexually intriguing to you?

If you had to describe this image to a friend who couldn't see it, what would you say?
- This is a picture of Chadwick Boseman, a very handsome man with black hair and brown eyes. He looks like he’s at a premier and is wearing all white.
- It’s a picture of Chadwick Boseman.

Think back to your favorite childhood memory. What was your favorite thing to do?
- Play Doh all day errrdayyyy.
- Play with my Easy Bake Oven.
- Make Creepy Crawlers.

How often do you socialize with friends?
- Hardly ever. I’m a total introvert.
- About once per week.
- A couple of times per week.
- As often as possible! I’m a social butterfly.

Cheating is a terrible thing, no matter how you see it. Which is worse?
Being emotionally attracted to another person.
Hooking up with someone else.

Would you describe yourself as stubborn?
- No way! I’m super easy-going.
- Oh, yeah. I won’t give in no matter WHAT.
- It depends on the situation.

The '90s had the best toys. But which one of these was THE best of THE best?
- Bop It
- Tamagotchi
- Gameboy
- Beanie Babies

Your group is disagreeing on something. What’s the most important outcome?
- Finding a solution that everyone can agree on.
- Getting my way.

How often do you lose your temper?
- All the time. Don’t get on my bad side!
- Hardly ever. I’m cool as a cucumber!
- It depends on what kind of mood I’m in.

Memory is a funny thing. When you recall a memory do you tend to remember specific details or general impressions?
- I remember impressions. Like how I felt or what it smelled like.
- I remember specific details, like the exact words someone used or where we were.

Doctors recommend 7-8 hours of sleep per night. How do you typically feel when you get less than six hours?
- Like death warmed over.
- Okay. I don’t like to live off of little sleep often.
- Like a champion — I can sleep when I’m dead!

You’re going home to visit and want to meet up with your friends! Do you prefer to see them individually or all together?
We all get along as a group.
I prefer more intimate meetings.

Let's throw it back to the fidget spinner craze! Can you sit still without a problem or were fidget spinners a godsend for you?
- Fidget spinners were great! I love having something to play with if I have to sit.
- I don’t mind sitting still at all.

You’re PISSED OFF!! How do you take out your frustration?
- Punch something.
- Give everyone the silent treatment while you think it over.
- Rant about it to a trusted friend.
- Write about it.
- Cry.
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