Which “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before” Should You Get Frisky With?
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There are many things to love about “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before”, but unsurprisingly, the boys featured in Lara Jean’s letters are five of the most delicious. Peter, Lucas, Josh, John Ambrose, and Kenny: the five boys that Lara Jean wrote letters to, the five boys that stole all our hShow More
There are many things to love about “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before”, but unsurprisingly, the boys featured in Lara Jean’s letters are five of the most delicious. Peter, Lucas, Josh, John Ambrose, and Kenny: the five boys that Lara Jean wrote letters to, the five boys that stole all our hearts. Each one is unique, from Peter the popular kid to Kenny from camp. We’re sure that there are five quality boyfriends contained in this movie (quite an impressive feat), so we’re here to find out the answer to the most important question: which one of the “Boys I’ve Loved Before” boys should be your boyfriend?
Whether you’re taking charge in your relationships and need someone to keep up with you, or you’re a bit more reserved and want someone who will lead the way, one of these sweeties will be your perfect match and we can’t wait to tell you who it is.

If someone were to ask you out, what's the best way they should do it?
- Very straightforwardly, preferably with some sort of contract
- With a bouquet of flowers and some chocolate
- “Hey I like you, wanna go out?”
- In a dramatic way, like rescuing me from drowning
- With a clever and cute pick up line

Who's your celeb crush?
GettyBon Iver
GettyDavid Beckham
George Clooney
GettyDonald Glover

You're about to head out on your date. What do you wear?

Which of these dates sounds like the most fun to you?
- A fashion show
- A romantic boat ride watching the sunset
- Going for a hike
- Hanging out at the local coffee shop
- Going on a hay ride

Choose the most romantic sentence.
- I’ll take care of you
- You’re a princess.
- You can tell me anything.
- You’re smart and brave and beautiful.
- You can do anything, and I’ll be there with you.

What scares you the most about being in a relationship?
- Having to open up and share my feelings
- The possibility of getting hurt
- That I’ll get taken advantage of
- That they’ll try to control me
- That I’ll embarrass myself

What's your greatest strength in a relationship?
- I’m the life of any party
- I have a deep romantic streak
- I’m great at compromise and finding common ground
- I’m good at having fun conversations
- I’m super laid back

You get into a fight with your boo. What's it about?
- They’re being a bit too overprotective
- They made a major life decision without talking to me
- His ex
- He won’t tell me how he feels
- I need him to be more relaxed

Which romantic gesture would win you over the fastest?
- Sneaking in an announcement over the school loudspeaker that he loves me
- Picking out some beautiful jewelry for me
- Standing up for me in front of the whole school
- Giving me a ride to school every day without even being asked
- Keeping me safe from my clumsy self and kissing me when I fall in his arms

It's the middle of the night and you call up your boo. What do you need to talk about?
- I’m having anxiety about the future
- I’m worried about my next big project
- I want to sneak out and meet up with him
- I just miss him
- I’m nervous I said the wrong thing earlier

If you wanted to do something nice for your partner, what would you do?
- Share my deepest feelings with him. I might even say “I love you”.
- Create an elaborate scavenger hunt promposal
- Kiss them in front of everyone
- Write them a private and intimate love letter
- Keep a list of all the things they’ve done that I love and give it to them after a year

You've got an afternoon to kill with your boo. What sounds like fun to you?
- Just watching movies
- Hanging out with friends
- Making food together
- Going for a walk
- Getting coffee and just talking

Where do you think you'd meet your potential bf?
- School/work
- Probably a neighbor
- Camp
- Through a hobby
- At a party

Have you been in a relationship before?
- Yes
- No

You're walking down the hall at school and your least favorite person insults your boots. How do you hope your bf reacts?
- I want them to stand up for me and tell the person off
- I want them to smooth over the situation with a joke or a subject change
- I want them to compliment my boots
- They bought me the boots so I definitely want them to defend their choice
- I want them to hold back and see what I do, then follow my lead

When you're sick, how do you like to be taken care of?
- Just leave me alone
- Give me pillows and blankets then leave me alone
- I want to be cranky at someone
- Make me chicken noodle soup and sit with me
- I like to be waited on hand and foot while I’m sick

How would you describe your body type?
- Athletic
- Thin
- Average
- Curvy
- Big

Last but not least, are you Team Josh or Team Peter?
- Team Josh
- Team Peter
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