Answer Just 12 Questions and We’ll Give You the Perfect Guy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
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In every generation a Slayer is born, one girl in all the world, a chosen one. And with that chosen one comes an amazing TV show filled with a whole slew of very hot guys that have had us drooling since the 90s (even if we weren’t drooling over the 90s fashion choices that happened on that show).
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In every generation a Slayer is born, one girl in all the world, a chosen one. And with that chosen one comes an amazing TV show filled with a whole slew of very hot guys that have had us drooling since the 90s (even if we weren’t drooling over the 90s fashion choices that happened on that show).
Whether you’re into the dark and broody type, the fun boy next door, or the smart librarian, Buffy has a guy that will suit your tastes, and be absurdly good looking to boot. If you’re lucky, you might even get a guy that will live forever and stay young just as long. But how do you know which one to pick? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Just answer a few questions, and we’ll pair you off with the guy that’s perfect for you.
What are you waiting for? There’s a hottie waiting for you at the end of this quiz.

Imagine you're in high school and your dream guy asks you out. Which high school stereotype does he fall into?
- The bad boy
- The jock
- The class clown
- The nerd
- The angsty one

Describe your perfect date.
- Watching a movie and joking together over some pizza
- Going to a nice restaurant. I’d like him to be a perfect gentleman, with flowers and picking up the tab.
- A poetry reading or other arts event
- Something down and dirty like poker or wrestling
- Talking about our favorite books over coffee

Which season of Buffy was your favorite?
- Season 1
- Season 2
- Season 3
- Season 4
- Season 5
- Season 6
- Season 7

Which of these enemies do you think would be the hardest to slay?
- My own past.
- I mean I’m gonna go with mutants. Definitely mutants.
- Vampires seem like a solid choice here.
- The first evil, just definitionally.
- My own weakness.

You're walking down a path at night with your honey and something jumps out of the woods at you. How do you want him to react?
- He should jump in front of me.
- I’d want him to grab my hand and be by my side without trying to protect me.
- I’d want him to make a joke to ease the tension.
- He should use logic to help me not panic.
- Oh I need him to make a sarcastic remark.

What's your favorite food?
GettyBlooming onion

What will woo you the fastest?
- Someone who makes me laugh
- Deep conversation
- A little bit of mystery
- Someone with a lot of emotions
- A true gentleman

It's late at night and you can't sleep. You're having some bad anxiety. You text your boo. What sounds the most comforting to you?
- I’ll be right over.
- I love you so much. You’re great.
- Hey did I tell you this funny story that happened to me today?
- You’re safe. Don’t worry.
- Do you want to talk about it?

Pick the outfit you'd most like to see your guy wearing.

Describe your ultimate flirting style?
- Sarcastic banter
- Mysterious, soulful glances
- Inside nerd references
- Flowers and compliments
- Just straight out awkwardness

Which of these characteristics is the most important to you in a partner?
- Honesty
- Intelligence
- Integrity
- Loyalty
- Reliability

What do you want out of a relationship?
- A deep, meaningful connection
- Someone who challenges me
- To become a better person
- Marriage and kids
- Some fun

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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