Can You Figure Out How Old These Celebs Are? Prepare to be SHOOK!

Celebrities have a way of making the rest of us mere mortals feel pretty darn bad about what we see in the mirror. Their smooth, wrinkle-free faces, toned bodies, and dazzling white smiles make it pretty hard to determine their actual ages. Is adorable flower child Drew Barrymore just a hair over 30Show More

Celebrities have a way of making the rest of us mere mortals feel pretty darn bad about what we see in the mirror. Their smooth, wrinkle-free faces, toned bodies, and dazzling white smiles make it pretty hard to determine their actual ages. Is adorable flower child Drew Barrymore just a hair over 30, or in her mid 40’s? Did Jennifer Lopez just recently turn 40, or is she actually pushing 50? And what about teen movies favorites like Seth Green and Gabrielle Union? Are they finally starting to look like they graduated?

This quiz will test how well you can determine the ages of your favorite actors and singers. Think you’ll be able to figure out what number appears on their drivers licenses? Or will you be left running to the drug store to load up on face creams? Let’s get started! And yes, Paul Rudd is apparently some type of ageless vampire.

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Seth Green may look like a perpetual teenager, but how old is he really?

Ready? Scroll down to answer
  • 40
  • 37
  • 44
  • 48

What did you get? Let us know in the comments!