We Can Guess What You Value Based On Your Weekend Plans
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If you want to know what a person cares about, one of the best places to start is by looking at how they spend their time. Even better, look at how they spend their time when they don’t have other things to do. You know what that means: the weekend!
Our personality experts have it down to a sciShow More
If you want to know what a person cares about, one of the best places to start is by looking at how they spend their time. Even better, look at how they spend their time when they don’t have other things to do. You know what that means: the weekend!
Our personality experts have it down to a science, and we can identify anyone’s guiding values based on a single weekend’s plans. Think we’re overly cocky? The only way to prove us wrong is to take the test and see if we can figure out your deepest value. So grab your calendar and take a look at your weekend plans, because we need to know what you’re up to this Friday through Sunday.
If you give us a peek at your weekend, from wake up to falling back in to bed, we’ll be able to identify which value rules your life.

It's the end of the day on Friday and no one else is around at the office. Do you take off early or stick it out?
- I head out early
- I hold out until the end of the work day.
- I work late.

You get home on Friday evening. What's the first thing you do?
- Chill at my computer
- Spend some time with my family
- Put on TV
- Plan what I’m up to for the weekend
- Start cooking dinner

Are you more likely to go out on Friday and Saturday nights or stay in?
- Go out
- Stay in
- Go out, but no partying, just a fun time with friends

What time do you typically get up on Saturday morning?
- 7 a.m. or earlier
- 7-8 a.m.
- 8-9 a.m.
- After 9 a.m.

You have a whole, glorious Saturday stretched out in front of you. What are you going to do?
ShutterstockHang out with friend
ShutterstockHike/be outdoors

Do you work on the weekends?
- Yes, almost every weekend.
- Sometimes I’ll put in one day of work if I need to.
- Very rarely.
- I ALWAYS make sure I’ve got my days off and I use them.

Which of these meals appeals the most to you?
- Brunch with my friends.
- A quiet meal by myself.
- A high powered business meeting.
- A meal with foods I’ve never eaten before.
- A laid back dinner at a sports bar.

You decide to get out of town for the weekend. Where are you most likely to go?
- A quiet Bed and Breakfast
- A romantic getaway with my sweetie
- Camping
- A cool historical site or somewhere with good museums
- A big city with lots going on

How much do you drink on a typical weekend?
- Just a few glasses of wine
- 5+ drinks each night
- Not much: maybe a cocktail in the evenings
- I’ll have a few drinks in the evening
- A beer or two

Which of these hobbies is your favorite weekend activity?

You're going out to eat. What kind of restaurant are you most likely to pick?
- A big, comfy place where I can go with a group
- An obscure hole in the wall just for me
- Somewhere completely new that I’ve never been before
- The fanciest place in the city
- Somewhere relaxed where I can be myself

You make it to Sunday evening. How do you feel?
- Refreshed and relaxed!
- Ugh, so bummed to go back to work tomorrow.
- Ready for the week. Can’t wait to jump in!

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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