Can You Name the Most Popular Cocktail in These States?

States have unique characters. If I tell you about a man from Florida, you’ll get a deeply different picture than if I mention a man from California. In few ways are these characters expressed as clearly as in the drinking culture of each state. That’s why we’ve decided it’s time to discoverShow More

States have unique characters. If I tell you about a man from Florida, you’ll get a deeply different picture than if I mention a man from California. In few ways are these characters expressed as clearly as in the drinking culture of each state. That’s why we’ve decided it’s time to discover if you know the cocktail that is most popular in each state.

This quiz is a doozy because you’ve got to have two distinct realms of knowledge: you need to know about each state and its unique, clear personality. Can you tell us what the culture in Alabama is like? But on top of that, you’ve also got to know alcohol. If you know that New York is a classy place, what kind of drink would they be drinking?

So grab your favorite drink to get those motors turning, and get ready for a challenging (and boozy) quiz!

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Let's start off slow and Southern. What's the drink of choice in Alabama?

Ready? Scroll down to answer
  • Gin and tonic
  • Mojito
  • Mint Julep
  • Mimosa

What did you get? Let us know in the comments!