If You’re a Pokemon Master You Better Get 10/12 on This Starter Pokemon Quiz
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Do you think you have what it takes to be a Pokemon Master, defeat the Gym Challenge, and beat the Elite Four? Are you certain you’ve studied up on Pokemon types, their advantages and disadvantages, and the makeup of the perfect team? If you consider yourself a Pokemon expert, then you’d better Show More
Do you think you have what it takes to be a Pokemon Master, defeat the Gym Challenge, and beat the Elite Four? Are you certain you’ve studied up on Pokemon types, their advantages and disadvantages, and the makeup of the perfect team? If you consider yourself a Pokemon expert, then you’d better know which of these cute little creatures is going to be your first (and best) bud through your Pokemon journey.
That’s right, we’re talking about Starter Pokemon, that first friend gifted to you by a Pokemon Professor at the beginning of each Pokemon game. Show us what you’ve got by identifying each and every one of these powerful allies you could have. From generation one, and the most classic of 90s Pokemon, to the latest versions of the game with new (and adorable) starters, if you can name them all, you might be ready to take on the world!

What is the name of this cute little guy, #1 in the Pokedex?
- Venasaur
- Eeveesaur
- Bulbasaur
- Willosaur

True or false: Pikachu is a starter Pokemon in Pokemon Blue/Red.
- True
- False

What is the name of this little dude's third evolution (if we label him as #1)?
- Charmander
- Charisaur
- Charmeleon
- Charizard

Which of these is not a starter Pokemon?

This little guy is named Torchic. What type of Pokemon is he?
- Fire/flying
- Bird/fighting
- Fire
- Fighting/flying

Which of these Pokemon is named Chespin?

This is Brionne, a water type starter. Which Pokemon does it evolve from?
- Popplio
- Dartrix
- Oshawott
- Piplup

What is the name of this beautiful foxy creature?
- Vulpix
- Delphox
- Fennekin
- Zorua

Each of these sweet boys is a water type, but one of them is not actually a starter. Which one?

What are the names of the three latest starter Pokemon?
- Fennekin, Chespin, and Litten
- Froakie, Popplio, and Rowlet
- Froakie, Chespin, and Fennekin
- Popplio, Rowlet, and Litten

Tepig evolves into Pignite, which is a two type Pokemon. Which types?
- Fire and Fighting
- Ground and Fighting
- Fire and Ground

There is one secret starter you can get in Pokemon Go. Who is it?
- Pidgey
- Pikachu
- Totodile
- Mew

Grookey, the Chimp Pokemon, is from what region?
- Unova
- Kalos
- Galar
- Hoenn

What is the name of the new Generation VIII fire starter?
- Pyrebunny
- Scorbunny
- Pyrefoot
- Incinerabbit

Sobble is known as what kind of Pokemon?
- The Anxiety Lizard
- The Chaotic Chameleon
- The Water Chameleon
- The Water Lizard

Which of these Pokemon was not available as a starter in Pokemon Go!?

Which of these starters has not made a cameo in the Super Smash Brothers series?

Which of these Pokemon can learn Darkest Lariat?

How many total evolutions does Eevee have
- 6
- 9
- 8
- 10

Which of these types can Eevee NOT evolve into?
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