When Will You Really Get Married?
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Does it seem like lately all your friends are getting married? I mean just go on Facebook for a few minutes and scroll through your newsfeed and you’ll see babies and weddings, oh and don’t forget about those engagement announcements! Wow, I’m getting bitter just writing and thinking about it. WellShow More
Does it seem like lately all your friends are getting married? I mean just go on Facebook for a few minutes and scroll through your newsfeed and you’ll see babies and weddings, oh and don’t forget about those engagement announcements! Wow, I’m getting bitter just writing and thinking about it. Well, I guess now both you and I can rest easy Netflix-and-chilling…with a bottle of wine because we know when you’re going to get married! Are you as excited as I am over here?! Well, I hope it says I’m going to get married in five years or less because that is my dream! Yup, no shame in admitting that!
So when is it going to be your turn? We’ve got a pretty good idea! All you have to do is take this quiz to find out! Are you ready? Then go ahead and take this quiz!

Are you dating someone?
- Yes, we’re engaged!
- Yup, and it’s pretty serious.
- Yes, but I don’t really know where we stand.
- Casually
- Nope, I’m free as a bird!

Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
- Optimist all the way!
- I prefer to call myself a realist.

Your best friend just got engaged, and she's only been dating her fiancé for a MONTH. What do you think?
- That’s crazy!
- When you know, you know!
- Um, good luck with that…

How soon do you want to have children?
- Like, yesterday.
- In a year or two.
- A good five years from now.
- A decade or more.
- Actually, I don’t want children.

What kind of engagement ring would you like to see on your finger?

How many serious relationships have you been in?
- None. Maybe I should do that at some point…
- One or two
- Three or four
- More than five

How many of your friends are already married?
- All, except for a few outliers.
- About half, but more and more every day!
- Just a couple
- None, we’re all single together!

If you don't meet 'the one' for a few more years, how will you feel?
- I’ve already met them!
- I want to meet them now…
- That’s fine, we’ll find each other eventually.
- That’s fine by me…

If you had a destination wedding, where would it be?
Puerto Rico

How do you feel about true love?
- I believe in one true love.
- If they make you happy, keep ’em!
- I’m cautious, but I trust I’ll find it someday.
- I have a very optimistic outlook on soulmates.
- I love dating, but I’m not sure if I’ll ever really commit…

If you could pick one thing to have in your life now, what would it be?
- Love
- Success

How would you feel if you never got married?
- Okay — I’m sure I’ll have a rich life otherwise.
- A little sad — I’d like to share my life with someone.
- Devastated — what is life without a true love to share it with?

Pick your dream wedding dress.

You get offered the opportunity for your dream career but you have to move away from your partner. Do you take it?
- Yes
- It’s an incredibly hard decision but I bet we can find a way to make it work. I say yes.
- No, I’m not willing to give up my relationship.

How many times have you moved in the past 5 years?
- Never
- Once
- 2-3 times
- 4-6 times
- 7+ times

You've had a really rough day and you need to talk to someone. Who do you go to?
- A parent
- My therapist
- My best friend
- My significant other

It's your birthday! What do you want?
- Just that dang ring.
- Some new books.
- Makeup or jewelry.
- A vacation
- A meal with my friends and family.

Which special touch do you really want at your wedding?
- A surprise from my new spouse…maybe a song and dance number?
- Hand made invitations
- The best food around.
- Fireworks
- A carriage ride

How many grandchildren would you like?
- 0
- 2
- 4
- 6
- 10

How old were your parents when they got hitched?
- Around 18
- Around 22
- Around 25
- Around 28
- After 30
- They didn’t get married.
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