Your Answers To These Ridiculous Questions Will Reveal Your Age

Do you ever feel like you belong in another time? Like you should have been born in a different era? Well, we bet we can guess your real age. All you have to do is answer these 18 seemingly unrelated, and seemingly unimportant questions, and we will tell you.

These questions will cover everythingShow More

Do you ever feel like you belong in another time? Like you should have been born in a different era? Well, we bet we can guess your real age. All you have to do is answer these 18 seemingly unrelated, and seemingly unimportant questions, and we will tell you.

These questions will cover everything from your lucky number to your favorite Easter candy. We will ask you to pick out the cutest baby animal and also how you like your potatoes prepared. Random? Seems like it. Unrelated. That is for sure. But telling? Yes, definitely. Telling of the truth. The truth about your age. Maybe your taste is that of someone your age. Maybe you like things more in line with the taste of an old woman.

Whatever your preferences are, this quiz will be able to suss out just how old you are.

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Take a seat! Which fancy chair would you feel most comfortable in?

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