Can You Pass This 3rd Grade Weather Quiz?
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Whether the weather is cold, hot, wet, or dry, you can always rely on the weather as a topic of conversation. But other than what you feel and see, do you actually know much about meteorology? The average 10-year-old can pass this quiz, and a meteorologist can score 12/12. Do you know what a barometShow More
Whether the weather is cold, hot, wet, or dry, you can always rely on the weather as a topic of conversation. But other than what you feel and see, do you actually know much about meteorology? The average 10-year-old can pass this quiz, and a meteorologist can score 12/12. Do you know what a barometer is? Cumulus, stratus, and cirrus are types of what weather phenomenon? Do you know which layer of the atmosphere we live in, or what direction a tornado rotates? Though you can not control the weather, you can definitely control what you know about how it works and how to be prepared for any condition. When the sky is red at morning, you had better take warning! It’s going to be a wet and messy day. See if you know how many volts are in an average lightning bolt, how much wind is needed for a blizzard, or what defines a hurricane!

Which of these is NOT a form of precipitation?
- Rain
- Snow
- Hail
- Lightning
- Sleet

Studying the weather is far more interesting than talking about it. What is the name of someone who studies the weather as a profession?
- Weatherperson
- Meteorologist
- Atmospheric engineer

Let’s measure the weather! Which instrument is used to gauge air pressure?
- Barometer
- Thermometer
- Hygrometer

Lightning can be exciting or frightening! How much electricity is in a typical lightning flash?
- 120,000 volts
- 7.5 million volts
- 300 million volts

Minnesota isn’t immune to tornadoes. There is a 99 percent chance that this one is rotating in which direction?
- Clockwise
- Counter-clockwise

It’s easy to feel parched without any rain. What is the definition of a drought?
- Period of at least 15 days without precipitation with temperatures remaining above 85˚ Fahrenheit
- Below-average precipitation in an area resulting in water shortages
- Continued humidity index of 0 for at least 7 days

Unique snowflakes all come from unique clouds. Which of these is a stratus cloud?

With hurricanes and tropical storms both having names, it’s hard to tell the difference between the two. What separates a hurricane from a tropical storm?
- Size
- Temperature
- Wind speed

Get your head out of the clouds! Which layer of the atmosphere do you live in?
- Troposphere
- O-zone
- Stratosphere
- Mesosphere

Hazy weather makes it tough to see. What exactly is fog?
- Cumulus cloud that fell from the stratosphere due to barometric pressure
- Steam from the condensation of flora
- Clouds of water droplets suspended close to the earth’s surface

Weather doesn’t come from nowhere. Where does most of the energy to create weather come from?
- Sun
- Moon
- Magnetic poles

In order for a storm to be called a blizzard, it must meet two criteria. Which is NOT a characteristic of a blizzard?
- Wind speeds of at least 35 miles per hour
- Less than 0.25 mile visibility due to snowfall
- Continued, accumulating precipitation for at least 12 hours

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