The Average Mexican Can Score 10/12 On This Day of the Dead Trivia. Can You?
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Though Halloween is an ancient pagan holiday with origins in Europe, the Mexican holiday, Día de los Muertos is even older. The Celts started celebrating a harvest holiday known as Samhain two thousand years ago in current-day Ireland. But the Aztecs in current-day Mexico were celebrating the transShow More
Though Halloween is an ancient pagan holiday with origins in Europe, the Mexican holiday, Día de los Muertos is even older. The Celts started celebrating a harvest holiday known as Samhain two thousand years ago in current-day Ireland. But the Aztecs in current-day Mexico were celebrating the transcendence of the souls of their relatives a millennium before. Though both holidays are about death and are celebrated during the same time of year, there are stark differences in the attitudes of death. Today, most Americans use Halloween as an occasion to fear death. But our friends south of the Rio Grande use this time of year to honor those who have passed and recognize the beauty of all phases of life. What is the point of those colorful sugar skulls? What kind of flowers are placed on the ofrenda? How much do you know about the Mexican holiday, Día de los Muertos? Take this prueba to find out!

The Mexican holiday Día de los Muertos has been celebrated for generations. When is the official holiday in Mexico?
- October 31
- November 1
- November 2
- November 1-2. It’s a two-day celebration!

The most famous symbol of Día de los Muertos is this skull. What is it called in spanish?
- Calavera de alfeñique
- Cabeza sucre
- Muñeca muerta

Holidays aren’t just for partying. What is the purpose of Día de los Muertos?
- To ward off evil spirits.
- To honor deceased relatives.
- To prevent future deaths through witchcraft.

Mesoamerica has seen festivities honoring the dead for a long time. Who were the first residents of Central America to practice this tradition?
- Aztecs
- Mayans
- Spanish

This sweet bread was introduced to the holiday by Spanish evangelists. It’s said the pastry is meant to represent the Eucharist. What is this treat called?
- Pan de muerto
- Tarta sucre
- Azucarola

Candles are placed on the altar to represent the natural element of fire. Traditionally, how many candles of which color are included?
- 7 blue
- 9 green
- 12 purple

If you live in a rural Mexican village with your family, where do you go to celebrate Día de los Muertos?
- The grave of a deceased loved one and have a picnic.
- The local cantina and drink Kalimotxo.
- The basement of the church and play games.

This type of flower is placed on the altar to help spirits find their loved ones.

Families decorate altars to the deceased by collecting food, candles, icons, and other items. What is this altar called?
- Ofrenda
- Capilla
- Santuario

Which is NOT a Mexican holiday that coincides with Dia de los Muertos?
- Dia de los Santos (All Saints’ Day)
- Dia de los Fieles Difuntos (All Souls’ Day)
- Grito de Dolores (Independence Day)

Just as pumpkins are associated with Halloween in the United States, Mexicans also have a special food for their death holiday. Which is it?
ShutterstockSweet potatoes
ShutterstockButternut squash

This skeleton is perhaps the most iconic character of Día de los Muertos. What is her name?
- La Madrina
- La Catrina
- La Muertida

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