Find Out If You Belong In The Good Place With This Character Quiz
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Welcome to the Good Place! You’re here because you are one of the top 1% of humans. Or…are you? It turns out that those loveable characters from The Good Place might not be so perfect after all, but that’s part of their charm. Each of us has a little bit of Chidi, Jason, Tahani, Eleanor, and MShow More
Welcome to the Good Place! You’re here because you are one of the top 1% of humans. Or…are you? It turns out that those loveable characters from The Good Place might not be so perfect after all, but that’s part of their charm. Each of us has a little bit of Chidi, Jason, Tahani, Eleanor, and Michael in us (and maybe even a touch of the Janet). That’s because each of us is a beautiful combo platter of flaws and features.
But which Good Place person is truly you? Are you more “cocktail parties and evening gowns” or “Stupid Nick’s Wing Dump and jalapeno poppers”? We’ll take a deep look at your soul, tally up your point totals, and give you the most important score of your life. No, not the score that determines if you’ll go to the Good Place (it’s not even real). The score that will tell you which Good Place character you are.

If you were in The Bad Place, what would it look like?
- Small talk forever
- Constantly being in second place
- No more wings. Ever.
- Always being the designated driver.
- I mean, physical torture honestly sounds pretty awful

On the flip side, what is the most important element of your Good Place?
- Beautiful dresses
- A lot of Madden
- Success
- So many books

Time for a Trolley Problem! You're on a trolley racing down the tracks, and there are five people on the tracks in front of you. If you switch to the other track, you'll hit your best friend. Which one do you choose?
- I run over my friend.
- I freeze up and can’t do anything.
- I run over the five people.

Of all the characters in The Good Place, which one makes your heart go pitter patter?
- Eleanor
- Tahani
- Janet
- Jason
- Michael

Do you think you're a good person?
- Yes
- No
- Medium?

What's your favorite food?
- Jalapeno poppers
- Scones
- Shrimp
- Macarons
- My mother’s soup

What would your house in The Good Place look like?
- Huge. I mean truly over the top.
- Cozy and very traditional. Lots of nooks and crannies.
- Comfort is king. I especially want a giant TV and somewhere to hang out with my buds.
- Modern and minimalist.
- I wouldn’t want it to be the smallest house in the neighborhood. It doesn’t have to be a mansion, just…respectable.

You're trying to be a good person, but sometimes it's really tough. What gets in your way?
- Honestly sometimes I just want to treat myself.
- My competitive nature.
- I forget.
- It’s just so hard to know what the right thing is.
- It can be really FUN to do the wrong thing.

So, Janet is the greatest thing ever. If you had a Janet, what would you ask her first?
- Is my arch enemy in The Bad Place?
- How did I die?
- How many people know my name?
- Can I have ice cream?
- Who was the smartest person in our time?

What Earth thing do you miss the most?
- My godmother, Maggie Smith.
- My best friend.
- I never got to complete the one thing I wanted to do most.
- I think being dead is pretty cool.
- Being able to swear.

Pick your favorite The Good Place quote.
- “I have no idea what’s going on but everyone is talking and I should too.”
- “I was a medium person. I should get to spend eternity in a medium place! Like Cincinnati.”
- “There’s something so human about taking something great, and ruining it a little, so you can have more of it.”
- “I would say I outdid myself, but I’m always this good. So I simply did myself.”
- “Well, I’ve narrowed it down to two possibilities: yes and no.”

If you could describe your best characteristic, what would it be?
- I am incredibly caring.
- I give good advice.
- I am very loyal.
- I’m a good leader.
- I’m incredibly inventive.
- I would never betray a friend.
- I’m hilarious.

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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