Can We Guess Which Ariana Grande Song Is Your Breakup Bop?
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Let’s face it, Ariana Grande has had a rough year. That being said, she herself admits that it’s both the best and worst year of her life. Her positive thinking and optimistic mindset have helped her get through this difficult time, but it has also allowed her to channel her feelings into some mShow More
Let’s face it, Ariana Grande has had a rough year. That being said, she herself admits that it’s both the best and worst year of her life. Her positive thinking and optimistic mindset have helped her get through this difficult time, but it has also allowed her to channel her feelings into some major bangers that fans everywhere can enjoy.
Through answering a few simple questions that relate to relationship trouble and how you react to breakups, you will be paired with one of Ariana Grande’s hit songs about love. Songs will be chosen from any of her albums, including singles, EP’s, and features as well.
Based on your results, these Ariana Grande heartbreak bops are sure to be on your breakup playlist for sure!
So just keep breathin, and say thank u, next to your exes because everything’s gonna be alright since you have one less problem without them.

You’re out at dinner with your bf and he keeps getting texts from someone and you feel like he isn’t paying attention to you. When you ask who he’s texting he says it’s nobody important. How do you react?
- Ignore it and pretend like it doesn’t bother you.
- Demand to know who he’s texting.
- Take a peek at his phone when he isn’t paying attention.
- Threaten to leave if he doesn’t stop texting other people.

If you’re out with your boyfriend and you encounter one of his exes, how do you react?
- Ignore her and pretend like she’s not even there.
- Genuinely try to befriend her.
- Flaunt your boyfriend around her.
- Leave immediately (and take your boyfriend with you).

You post an amazing selfie on Insta and your ex likes and comments on the photo before sliding into your DM’s with this message, “Wow, you’re looking great. Want to hang out again some time?”. How do you respond?
- No response, but with read receipts on.
- Middle Finger Emoji.
- Lol (Tongue Emoji, Heart Emoji).
- Thank you (Thumbs Up Emoji).

When it comes to relationships, do you value having quality or quantity?
- Quality. I want to make deep, meaningful connections with people.
- Quantity. I want to connect and meet as many people as possible.

Celebrities get their hearts broken too! Which celebrity split do you relate with the most?
Russell Brand / Katy Perry
Chris Pratt / Anna Faris
Mariah Carey / Nick Cannon
Brad Pitt / Angelina Jolie

As if it wasn’t already awkward enough... If you see your ex randomly when you’re out, how do you respond?
- Pretend like I don’t see him.
- Purposely walk in front of him so he says “Hi” first.
- Walk up to him and say “Hi”.
- Find an escape route and leave immediately.

You’ve been dating a boy for a few weeks. One day, while you’re getting it on, you notice that he has a hickey on his chest that wasn’t from you. When you confront him about it, his response is “I didn’t know we were exclusive” How do you respond?
- Stop making out with him, leave, and never speak to him again.
- Pretend it doesn’t bother you, finish making out with him, leave, and never speak to him again.
- Have a serious conversation with him where you discuss the parameters of your relationship.
- Show up with a hickey from someone else the next time you guys hang out.

So, you and your ex break up... Can you remain friends with them?
- Yes. We shared a deep connection and that will always be the case.
- No, but we can occasionally sleep with each other, but nothing past that.
- We can remain cordial, but we are not friends.
- No, I can never see them again and will avoid them if I see them.

You find a dating app hidden on your bf’s phone. How do you respond?
- Open the app to see what he’s been up to.
- Pretend like you didn’t see the app because you had no right to go through his phone.
- Give him the opportunity to explain himself.
- Delete the app off his phone and pretend you don’t know.

Breakups suck, but they are inevitable. How do you get over a past relationship?
- With a new relationship.
- Staying away from boys and spending time with friends and family.
- Retail therapy.
- Me time! Taking some time to focus on myself.

You get an anonymous letter that says your bf “made out with 2 girls and put his head in between a cocktail waitresses breasts...” How do you respond?
- Confront your bf and give him a chance to explain himself.
- Rip up the letter. Whoever wrote it was just jealous. You’ll believe it when you see it.
- Find who wrote the letter and ask them to explain it to you in person.
- Break up with your bf.

What’s a deal-breaking quality in a relationship that would cause you to break up with a boy?
- When they have a lot of friends who are girls.
- When they focus on their phone more than they do on me.
- When they don’t offer to pay.
- When they talk about their exes a lot.

While stumbling on your friend’s phone, you notice messages from your boyfriend. When you confront the two of them for the messages, they try to play it off like there was nothing suspicious going on. How do you react to the suspicion of their betrayal?
- Break up with the boy, unfriend the best friend.
- Choose to believe your boyfriend but unfriend your friend and keep them as far away as possible.
- Break up with the boy and forgive your best friend for her hoe-ish ways.
- Let it slide this time and choose to believe their story.

Everybody makes mistakes... Do you believe in second chances?
- Yes. Nobody is perfect.
- No, history is bound to repeat itself.

You recently broke up with your ex, but there’s a Halloween party coming up that you both were supposed to attend as a couple. You know he’s going to be there, but you’re hesitant as to whether or not you should still go. How do you respond?
- Avoid the party. I don’t want to see him.
- Go to the party with a group of your friends.
- Go to the party with a new guy.
- Go to the party alone, with a sexy costume.

You boyfriend said he was going out with the boys last Friday, but you’re suspicious because you found his credit card receipt for a dinner for two at a fancy restaurant while doing laundry. How do you react?
- Burn all his clothes.
- Trick his friends into telling you if he was with them on Friday.
- Bring the receipt and have him explain himself.
- Place the receipt on top of the finished laundry where he can see it and see how he reacts.

Now that you and your ex have broken up, there are things that make you think back to the fond memories you both shared. Which of the things below bring you the most nostalgia over an ex?
- Music we listened to.
- Places we visited.
- Activities we did.
- Movies we watched.

The Final Question (not related to your love life) Our queen had many lovers. Which of Ariana’s exes was your favorite?
Big Sean
Ricky Alvarez
Pete Davidson
Mac Miller
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