Decorate a Dorm Room and We’ll Guess Your College Major
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Ah, college. It’s the time in your life when you finally get to break free from your parents and start to explore your identity, and it tends to be an equally transformative and overwhelming period. While you have the freedom to do what you want, when you want to, you’re on your own for the first tiShow More
Ah, college. It’s the time in your life when you finally get to break free from your parents and start to explore your identity, and it tends to be an equally transformative and overwhelming period. While you have the freedom to do what you want, when you want to, you’re on your own for the first time without the safety net of your family.
So what was your college experience like? Did you choose to major in Economics due to your natural mathematical talents? Or is a degree in Theater more your speed? Are you a skilled writer? Or do you have an interest in Early Childhood Education?
This quiz will ask you to decorate a dorm room. Then, based on your picks, we’ll guess what your college major was. Haven’t gone to college yet? This quiz will reveal what your perfect major would be.
Now grab a number 2 pencil and let’s get started!

It's move-in day at the dorms! Are you in a single or will you have a roommate?
- Roommate
- Just me!

Next, decide on a bed layout. Bunk beds, loft beds, or normal beds?
- Bunk beds
- Loft beds
- Normal beds

Now, pick a bedspread:

Choose the perfect desk for getting homework done:

Pick a desk chair:

Choose some storage baskets:

What poster do you hang on your wall?
- Marilyn Monroe
- Keep Calm and Carry On
- Bob Marley
- Fight Club
- Audrey Hepburn
- Twilight

Choose some fun lighting:

Pick a laundry basket:

Pick out some wall decor:

What will you stock your mini fridge with?
- Beer
- Microwave dinners
- Lots of fruits and veggies
- Chocolate and junk food

Pick out some shower sandals:

How do you stay organized at college?
Desk organizer
Cups and bowls
I use the wall
I don't

Are you ambitious enough to keep plants in your dorm room?
- Absolutely, I love plants.
- Maybe a cactus or something.
- Nope

Do you bring any reminders of your childhood with you?
- Yes, a medal or trophy.
- Yes, a blanket or stuffed animal.
- No, I don’t really have anything.
- No, I want to start a new chapter.

Pick a mirror to make sure your outfits are on point.

Choose the rug you use to make the room cozy.

Talk to me about pillows. How many, what kinds, where?
- One, on my bed.
- Two or three, on my bed.
- One on my bed and something decorative on a couch or chair.
- Pillows everywhere. They’re the best decoration.

You've got to bring some photos of your high school friends. How do you display them?
- In picture frames.
- In a photo album.
- Hanging from a string.
- On a cork board or bulletin board.

So you can't use any nails to hang things, but people have been creative about that forever. What's your solution?
- Double sided tape
- Elaborate use of curtain rods.
- Those big hooks from 3M.
- Stickable wallpaper or other sticky and removable decor.
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