How Would You Die in Netflix’s ‘Russian Doll’?
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We’re all completely entranced by the new Netflix original, Russian Doll, a Groundhog Day-like story of a woman reliving her 36th birthday over and over and over. But unlike Groundhog Day, this story gets dark and it goes deep: Nadia ends each cycle by dying.
We can’t stop watching the death Show More
We’re all completely entranced by the new Netflix original, Russian Doll, a Groundhog Day-like story of a woman reliving her 36th birthday over and over and over. But unlike Groundhog Day, this story gets dark and it goes deep: Nadia ends each cycle by dying.
We can’t stop watching the death scenes: there are so many options. Hit by a car, heart attack, falling down the stairs, choking on glass or even suicide. But what you may not have picked up on as you were watching was that each death has symbolic resonance – these things didn’t happen by accident.
So if you’ve made it through the show and you’re not afraid of a few spoilers, come with us through the night of Russian Doll and find out where your choices would take you. But most importantly find out what that death means about you and your emotional states.

You wake up and you're at your 36th birthday party. You walk out of the bathroom and Maxine offers you a cigarette laced with cocaine. Do you smoke it?
- Yes.
- I’d take it but I’d ask what was in it.
- Normally yes, but I’m not feeling it.
- No way!

How do you like to walk down the stairs?
- This is a weird question. Normally?
- I’m not particularly careful I have to be honest. I just barrel down those babies.
- I’m trying to think through my choices more carefully, so I always take the stairs slowly.

You stop at the bodega. What do you buy?
- Watermelon and Red Bull
- Cake
- Chicken wings
- Oatmeal
- Cigarettes

You meet Horse, the man in the park. What do you say to him?
- Do I know you?
- I give him money.
- Where are your shoes?
- I bring him shoes.
- I’m just a shadow.

Do you decide to bring that sleazebag Mike home with you?
- Yes
- Absolutely not!

Do you go looking for Oatmeal?
- I don’t really like cats, so no.
- Of course!
- I’m always looking for Oatmeal
- Honestly, I probably get distracted.

Let's say you get broken up with. How do you react?
- I’m absolutely broken hearted. I drink all night.
- I’m hurt but I try to forgive them.
- I get angry and yell.
- I understand why they did it. I want them to have a good life so I try to wish them well.
- I go sleep with someone else.

Your girlfriend is cheating on you with a guy who's cheating on her. You meet that guy. What do you say to him?
- I punch him.
- I ask him how he does it
- I avoid him.
- I tell him exactly how I feel about him: he’s an awful person.
- I ask him why her
- I get high with him. Who even cares?

Where would you go to try to figure out the mystery of your many deaths?
- I’d go talk to John and meet his daughter Lucy.
- I’d retrace my steps.
- I’d just go home. I don’t want to know.
- The owners of the building to ask if it was haunted.
- The drug dealer who gave Maxine the cigarette
- Ruth’s.

Which of these good deeds are you most likely to do?
- Talk to Beatrice and explain that it’s ok she breaks up with Alan.
- Give Lucy the book from my childhood.
- Try to save Ruth from the gas explosion.
- Stand up for Alan.
- Keep Horse’s shoes safe.
- Bring Oatmeal home.
- Give all my money to Horse.

Would you ask John to help you?
- Definitely.
- I’d try to see him: I know I have unfinished business.
- No way, I’m avoiding him.

Would you be able to meet John's kid if he asked?
- Yes.
- I’d want to, but get scared at the last minute.
- No, we’re not even dating anymore.

Would you ask Ruth to send you to the mental hospital?
- Yes. My first thought would definitely be that I had snapped.
- No, I don’t like or need therapy.
- No, I think that I need to do some introspection that can’t be helped by a professional.

How drunk are you likely to get on this particular night?
- Incredibly drunk.
- Drunk and high, but not more than I can handle on a normal day.
- Buzzed. But I’m always buzzed.
- Honestly I want to stay sober.

How do you feel about affirmations?
- I use them every morning.
- I might try them sometimes.
- I’m very much not interested in them.

If you were Alan, would you hold on to the engagement ring or try to get rid of it?
- Keep it.
- Get rid of it.

If you had to convince Alan that you knew him when he didn't remember his deaths, what would you say?
- Your girlfriend is cheating on you with Mike.
- You’re going to propose tonight aren’t you?
- You’re being so stupid! She isn’t worth it.
- You wanna go beat up Mike?
- I know you think it’s pointless. I can’t promise you’ll be happy. But I can promise you won’t be alone.

You're finally figuring out what's going on with your deaths. Are you convinced that it's a glitch in the code, a moral issue, or something else entirely?
- It’s moral: we have to fix something we messed up in the past.
- It’s random: we got stuck here for no reason.
- It’s punishment. This is my hell.
- It’s a glitch. Something got broken in the code of the universe.
- It’s like a video game: we can’t pass this level until we do it right.
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