This Disgusting ‘Would You Rather’ Quiz Will Reveal How Mature You Are

By the time you reach adulthood, most people tend to embrace maturity and make an effort to present a grown-up, pulled-together image to the rest of the world. This includes abstaining from goofy behavior, refraining from cracking inappropriate jokes, and always acting your age in every situation. BShow More

By the time you reach adulthood, most people tend to embrace maturity and make an effort to present a grown-up, pulled-together image to the rest of the world. This includes abstaining from goofy behavior, refraining from cracking inappropriate jokes, and always acting your age in every situation. But there are some people who, no matter how old they get, retain that fun-loving attitude they had when they were a kid and have no problem making a complete and utter fool of themselves in a public setting.

So how mature do you think YOU are? Would you never, ever giggle during a sex scene in a movie, or would you have no problem embarrassing yourself in public just to get a laugh from your friends and family? This quiz will ask you a series of horrendously disgusting “Would You Rather” questions that you’ll try your best to answer. Then, we’ll calculate your responses and determine what percent mature you really are. Ready to see if we can get it right? Grab a barf bag and let’s get started!

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Would you rather eat a stranger's toenails clippings once a week OR have everything smell like garbage?

Ready? Scroll down to answer
  • Getty
    Eat toenail clippings
  • Getty
    Constantly smell garbage

What did you get? Let us know in the comments!