Do You Know What These Abbreviations Stand For?

OMG, I swear that abbreviations are totes everywhere these days. You can’t turn around without running into a LOL, a FOMO, or an ASAP. Abbreviating everything can leave some people confused. What does DFTBA mean?? (For reference, the answer is “don’t forget to be awesome.”) With all these abbrevShow More

OMG, I swear that abbreviations are totes everywhere these days. You can’t turn around without running into a LOL, a FOMO, or an ASAP. Abbreviating everything can leave some people confused. What does DFTBA mean?? (For reference, the answer is “don’t forget to be awesome.”) With all these abbreviations and acronyms flying around, we thought it was important to find out who’s got the 411 on what these gosh darned abbreviations actually mean.

We’ll test you on abbreviations from the Internet, abbreviations from business, abbreviations from English, abbreviations from foreign languages, and more. You never know when these sneaky little words will show up and we’ve got every type covered. NGl this one’s a toughie, but no cheating. We want to know if you can identify these abbreviations without any help.

IDK if you’ll be able to score perfect, but don’t think “FML” if you don’t. Abbreviations are hard to remember.

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If I asked you about your addy, what would I be asking about?

Ready? Scroll down to answer
  • Additive
  • Your addiction
  • Your addendum
  • Your address

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