Only the Wisest of Elves Can Pass This Lord of the Rings Trivia
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So you’ve seen the Lord of the Rings movies once or twice, and maybe even read the books. You think you know a thing or two about Middle-Earth, maybe even enough to give Gandalf a run for his money. In fact if you were to place yourself, you’d say that you have the memory of an elf, one who’s Show More
So you’ve seen the Lord of the Rings movies once or twice, and maybe even read the books. You think you know a thing or two about Middle-Earth, maybe even enough to give Gandalf a run for his money. In fact if you were to place yourself, you’d say that you have the memory of an elf, one who’s been across the land and learned all there is to know.
Well don’t go getting too cocky because this quiz is tough and only serious aficionados can get 12/12. So call together your Fellowship and head out into the wilds to see how well you remember everything from Concerning Hobbits to The Grey Havens. If you’re truly an elf, you’ll ace it, but it might turn out you’re just a hobbit: stuck in the Shire and not interested in outside things. Let’s find out how worldly (or Middle Earthy) you are.

We all know that Boromir dies saving two of our favorite hobbits. But which book does he die in?
- The Fellowship of the Ring
- The Two Towers
- The Return of the King

Which of these is another name for dwarves?
- Luthien’s Folk
- The Old Ones
- The Deep Ones
- Durin’s Folk

Which character said “Nine companions. So be it. You shall be the fellowship of the ring.”
New Line CinemaElrond
New Line CinemaGandalf
New Line CinemaArwen
New Line CinemaSaruman

What is the name of Galadriel's husband?
- Celebrian
- Celebrimbor
- Celeborn
- Celebrant

After Sauron, who held the One Ring?
- Elrond
- Isildur
- Gollum
- It fell into a river and was lost

Where is Legolas from?
- Fangorn Forest
- Rivendell
- Lothlorian
- Mirkwood

In The Fellowship of the Ring, Frodo was stabbed on Weathertop. What type of blade was he stabbed with?
- Morgul
- Mithril
- Mithrandir
- Melkor

What is the name of the Inn where Aragorn meets the Hobbits?
- The Prancing Pony
- The Green Dragon
- The Ivy Bush
- The Golden Perch

What was Gollum's name before he was Gollum?
- Deagol
- Smeagol
- Falco
- Marcho

How many Rings of Power were there?
- 5
- 9
- 13
- 20

What is the name of Gandalf's horse?
- Brego
- Shadowmane
- Shadowfax
- Hasufel

During the siege of Minas-Tirith, the forces of Sauron use a battering ram. What do they call it?
- Ripfang
- Griphook
- Grond
- Angmar

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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