Which ‘Queer Eye’ Guy Are You?
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You’ve either been watching Queer Eye or you’ve been living under a rock. Or maybe you just don’t think sensitive self-improvement and people living their best lives isn’t your thing. And that’s not a slight to anyone! Not everybody loves unscripted content! (Also, why did you click this? Are you juShow More
You’ve either been watching Queer Eye or you’ve been living under a rock. Or maybe you just don’t think sensitive self-improvement and people living their best lives isn’t your thing. And that’s not a slight to anyone! Not everybody loves unscripted content! (Also, why did you click this? Are you just curious? Our guess is if that’s the case, you’re going to binge this show immediately after taking this quiz – just saying.) Whatever the case, we can all agree that the Queer Eye guys or “Fab Five” are truly inspirational and that watching them put all their love into helping others fix their entire lives is so so so so heartwarming.
So, how will you fix your own life? This quiz is basically a choose-your-own-adventure in your very own Queer Eye episode starring YOU! And at the end, you might not have a redone house, new haircut, and all new wardrobe, but you will know which Queer Eye guy you are, and that’s what really counts, right? Right guys?

We all have to pick a starting point when it comes to reshaping your whole life. What would you say you need help with the most?
- Intimacy, letting people in
- My crippling insecurity and self-doubt
- Healing from past trauma
- My tendency to run away from any kind of social situation
- Letting fear get in the way of me living my life to its fullest

Now, pick a bad habit to kick to the curb once and for all!
- No more being a couch potato!
- Bye bye procrastination!
- It’s an end for bad hygiene!
- I’d like to curb my addiction to my phone.
- If my brain would stop overthinking absolutely everything, that’d be great.

Which room in your home would need a big overhaul? Fixing this room would life a huge weight from your shoulders.
- Living room
- Kitchen
- Bedroom
- Bathroom
- Backyard, front porch, rooftop, any outdoor space.

This comes up on Queer Eye a lot, but let's pretend it gets fixed in your life as well. Which relationship would you most like to mend?
- My parents
- My kids
- My significant other
- My friends
- My relationship with myself

Although work may be going "fine" we sense there's something you've been avoiding at work. What is it?
- My deadlines!
- Interacting with co-workers to any capacity
- Asking for a raise
- Finding a new job to begin with!

If you had your way, you'd whip up something amazing for yourself for dinner tonight... if you only had chef-level skills. What's your ideal meal to casually have once a week?
GettyI'd roll my own sushi
GettyPappardelle (home made) in a cream sauce
GettyPerfectly roasted lemon chicken
GettyA pan-seared strip steak

Pretend you're having people over! In your new perfect life, you're the perfect host(ess). What kind of gathering is going down?
GettySome (batch) cocktails with friends
GettyAn al fresco dinner party
GettyA summer barbecue

It's hard doing what you know is good for you, sometimes. In your opinion, what in your current life do you feel the need to spend more money and/or time on?
- Starting my own business
- My family, or starting one.
- Dating, and making sure I feel ready to have a big love in my life, in general.
- Going on vacation! Leaving the house! I don’t do either of those nearly enough…
- Material investment purchases like nice furniture or quality clothing

You can do it yourself or wait for the Queer Eye guys to come make you do this. Get out of your comfort zone! It'd expand your horizons! Now, what scares you the most (in an exciting way)?
- Dancing in public
- Telling someone my true feelings about them
- Getting a pet
- Moving to a city where I don’t know anyone
- Going on a rollercoaster or bungee jumping

Real talk, though. What general category of life improvement do you need the most help on?
- Grooming and self-care
- Fashion
- Taking care of my house
- Cooking
- Existing as a human??? It’s hard!

Other things are easier replaced than fix. Pick something to completely throw out and replace it with something better and different.
- My clothes
- My couch
- My car
- All of the hair on my body! Can we get a redo?

We're gonna get a little hippie-ish on you. Even if it feels impossible, what deep, meaningful change would you like to have implimented in your life?
- Thriving in a career I’m passionate about
- Feeling deeply loved by someone who I genuinely connect with and care about.
- Finally feeling like an adult who lives an adult’s life
- That my family knows who I truly am and fully accepts/appreciates me because of it, not in spite of it.
- Walking through life without fear of judgement from others, and especially myself.

Pick out a physical challenge the Fab 5 will inevitably use as a metaphor for something you're going to do in your life.
GettyIce skating
GettyBallroom dancing

The age old question: where do you see yourself in five years?
- Running my own company
- Living in a new house
- Married
- Pursuing my passions more actively
- Myself, but happier and with less anxiety

What's one thing you'd like to do in order to give back to your community?
- Park clean up
- Donate your old clothes
- Fostering shelter animals
- Coaching a kids’ sports team

Believe it or not, being able to do this is a sign of big personal growth. Now, give yourself a compliment!
- I’m very kind
- I’m a great listener
- I tell a good story
- I can make friends with anybody
- I’ve got a ton of grit and strength

Some Japanese celebrities have come out to play for the latest season of Queer Eye in Tokyo. Which celebrity would you also like help from in your life?
GettyJames Corden
GettyAli Wong
GettyReese Witherspoon
GettyLeBron James

Would you let Jonathan Van Ness drastically change your appearance? Or are you super attached to your look right now?
- Yeah, give me a make over!
- Uh, reasonable changes would be okay.

Pick out an affirmation you'll take with you during your Queer Eye episode.
- “I can. I will. End of story.”
- I am choosing and not waiting to be chosen
- My presence is my power
- I can choose to make my curses my blessings
- I am enough

What's one good habit you'd like to incorporate into your life?
- Saving money
- Keeping in touch with my friends
- Routinely exercising
- Meditating regularly
- Eating more healthfully
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