Get Irrationally Mad At These 12 Random Things And We’ll Give You Some Life Advice
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Are you an angry person? You might not consider yourself an angry person, but we bet you can think of the last time you were bonkers angry in extreme detail. How about the last time you felt pure happiness? Less detail? More of an intangible thing? Yeah, we had a feeling that was the case. Allow youShow More
Are you an angry person? You might not consider yourself an angry person, but we bet you can think of the last time you were bonkers angry in extreme detail. How about the last time you felt pure happiness? Less detail? More of an intangible thing? Yeah, we had a feeling that was the case. Allow your anger to lead the way…
Even if it’s small stuff, you’re going to get angry. Get all wound up about it. No one’s looking or judging. But, we’re going to give you twelve small seemingly insignificant anger opportunities and then let you run wild with your rage. Is it irrational? Sure. Anger is irrational (sometimes), but it’s also a guiding post for where you’re holding some tension in how you’re evolving as a human. We’re not your therapist, but we have a hunch about what kind of tough love you need to receive. Are you ready to hear it?

You're out for the day when all of a sudden it starts down-pouring out of nowhere. It's basically a monsoon and you have NO UMBRELLA! What do you do?
- Buy one
- Wait it out
- Rant about it on Twitter
- Take it out on a stranger
- Complain and commiserate to/with anyone within earshot

A STUBBED TOE! OH NO! What's the first thing that comes out of your mouth?
- SH*T!

You're out at a restaurant and you order a Coke. The server asks if Pepsi is okay. OH NO THEY DIDN'T! What do you say?
- “No, it’s not.”
- “Is Monopoly money okay?
- “They’re the same thing, right?”
- I’d be high maintenance for the rest of the meal just to stick it to ’em.
- Don’t tip

Pick the most annoying sound. Just the thought of it sends a rage-bolt up your spine. What is it?
GettyPen clicking
GettyOpen mouthed loud chewing
GettyKnuckle cracking
GettyStyrofoam squeaking

You just leave a cafe when the top comes loose on your coffee and the whole thing spills on the ground. GOOD MORNING TO YOU! What does your rage make you do?
- March back in the cafe and demand a new one
- Blame it on the cup and monologue at whoever’s listening
- Take it out on the stain with a Tide stick
- Curse the heavens and whoever invented coffee to begin with
- Beat yourself up for the spill
- Let out a satisfying string of expletives

You're hungry, it's dinnertime... and you don't know what to eat. The decisive part of your brain is being super lame right now! What's the most logical course of action?
- Eat nothing
- Eat everything
- Make someone else pick what to eat
- Angrily shuffle around things in the fridge expecting to find something new you didn’t see before
- Hate-eat a party sized bag of potato chips for dinner

You ran errands ALL DAY. You're finally home when it dawns on you... you forgot ONE thing. Feel your anger. Then do something!
- Go back out in a huff and get the thing
- Forget the thing, never get it, and then find another thing to fill that void
- Throw a mini-tantrum on the couch
- Yell at your roommate or partner to go out and get it for you! (Please).
- Anger-browse Amazon Prime for the thing and feel bad that you didn’t just do that in the first place

It drives you insane every time this happens. What's the most enraging thing your pet does?
GettyDestroys things you love by chewing on them
GettyExtreme leash pulling
GettyJumping all over guests and/or yourself
GettyPooping where they're not supposed to

You had your blinker on to pull in to a parking spot and SOMEONE SWOOPS IN AND TAKES IT RIGHT FROM UNDER YOU! Oh no they didn't. But they did. Now what/
- Get out of the car and get in their face
- Lay on your horn until they leave the spot that’s rightfully yours
- Pull up close and gridlock them in so they can’t leave their car
- Maaaaaybe key their car? Who knows. It’s a mystery…
- Yell to yourself (at them) from the confines of your car

You're all finished with your lunch. The check arrives. You go to pay... and discover your wallet is missing. Oh crap. What should you do now?
- Pick a fight with the restaurant about how they don’t accept Apple Pay
- Plead your case to the wait-staff while aggressively beating yourself up
- Dine and dash! Rage later.
- Yell at someone imaginary on the phone and quickly leave the restaurant on an “emergency”
- Yell at the wait-staff that you had an allergic reaction to the food and therefore won’t be paying

The worst thing has happened. You get a case of the hiccups that won't go away! HOW DO YOU FIX THIS?!
- Angrily hold your breath
- Beat your chest until it stops
- Get bummed out and quit the day. It’s time to sleep now! Why bother being alive anymore today?
- Yell “GODDAMNIT!” then chug water. Repeat until the hiccups are gone.
- Write a long Facebook rant about how much hiccups suck

Let it all out! Empty the rage tank! THROW SOMETHING AT THE WALL! Pick your weapon and let it aaaaallllll out.
GettyMYSELF! Yes, time to throw a tantrum and flail on the ground.

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