Can We Sense Your Inner Pokemon Based On How You Hang Out With Your Best Friend?
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You have a favorite Spice Girl, a favorite boy band, or at least a favorite part of the 90’s to ridicule, make fun of, or pretend it never ever happened. Well, Pokemon definitely happened and has somehow managed to be a long enduring part of the culture thanks to games like Pokemon GO and our collecShow More
You have a favorite Spice Girl, a favorite boy band, or at least a favorite part of the 90’s to ridicule, make fun of, or pretend it never ever happened. Well, Pokemon definitely happened and has somehow managed to be a long enduring part of the culture thanks to games like Pokemon GO and our collective need to catch ’em all. It’s weird, but for creatures that mostly only say their own name, we’re really into designating them different personality traits and personifying them even though they’re imaginary tiny monsters with superpowers.
So, who doesn’t want to be an imaginary tiny monster with superpowers? No one! That’s who! Grab your best friend and take this quiz together (or fly solo, then text them afterward, your choice). Are you both two peas in a Metapod or you as different as a Jigglypuff and a Snorlax? Answer these questions about hanging out with your best friend and we’ll read your temperament, mood, and general disposition matching you with your own perfect Pokemon.

When do you and your best friend get your best hangouts in?
- Lazy Sundays
- Any weekday lunch hour
- Happy hour!
- A quiet Friday night in
- A wild Saturday night!!!
- Whenever. We like to keep it spontaneous and not plan too much.

Any time spent with your best friend is great, but what's your favorite thing to go out and do together?
GettyDancing our faces off at a bar or club
GettyTreasure hunting at a flea market
GettyICE CREAM!!!!
GettySomething active and outdoorsy, like hiking.

Your best friend is the best, obviously. What's the BEST about spending time with them?
- Anything we do together is fun, even if it’s technically “boring.”
- We love doing the same things.
- We don’t need to make rigid plans. They’re always down to do whatever.
- They know all the best things to go out and do!
- They just get me.
- They get me out of my comfort zone and I really need that.

Pick out the one point of conflict you're likely to encounter when you're hanging with your best friend.
- They put up a bad picture of me with a bad filter on Instagram and tagged me without asking.
- We forgot to designate a driver. Too late! Oops!
- They complain sometimes?
- I can’t keep up with their energy level!
- Neither of us particularly likes making a decision.
- They made me pee laughing and I didn’t bring a change of pants.

Now, let's add someone (or a few people) to this hang out. Who are you two meeting up with later?
- Our significant others.
- Our other friends from growing up.
- Friends from work.
- An assortment of people from both of our respective circles.
- These new friends we just met at this place we just met today! We pick up new people wherever we go.

Group classes are a great way to hang out with friends. If you and your best friend took a class together, what would you most likely pick?

If someone were to see the texts between you and your best friend, what would they see/read?
- Us coordinating plans for the next few weeks. Our calendars get booked up pretty fast!
- Mundane “how was your day?” stuff.
- Sincere, deep talks.
- All of the inside jokes.
- A litter of emojis.
- An endless stream of reaction gifs.

Look in your hands! You and your best friend have tickets to... something. What are they for? Where are you going?
GettyWe're seeing a concert.
GettyWe're watching a play.
GettyWe're going to a midnight movie on the release date.
GettyA sports game - preferably the playoffs.

We won't ask for specifics or secrets, but how often do you and your best friend get to talking about sex?
- Pretty regularly.
- If it happens to come up, sure.
- Typically only if one of us needs advice.
- Ew, never! That’s private!
- Oh, they get a full play-by-play recap every time I hook up with someone.

You do weird things when you hang out together, so how would you best describe your comfort level with your best friend?
- Their fridge is my fridge and vice-versa.
- We’ve totally peed in front of each other.
- We’ve seen each other naked.
- We’re not above some doing public grooming. That’s what friends are for, right?
- We’ve taken care of each other when one of us got sloppy drunk.

As far as you're concerned, what's a legitimate excuse for your friend to bail on you last minute?
- They’re sick.
- Their significant other surprised them with a date night.
- They’re working late.
- An actual, literal (preferably medical) emergency.
- No excuses! We’re best friends!
- Whatever their excuse is fine and “legitimate.” I’m not my friend’s parent!

Wasn't that fun? Your best friend hang out has basically been catered and fueled by:

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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