Do You Have A Hoarding Personality?
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In case you’re unfamiliar, Hoarders is a Lifetime show that gives a peek into the lives and ridiculously cluttered homes of people who hoard, well, just about everything.
It often serves as an intervention of sorts, only because they didn’t have someone in their life to send them this precautShow More
In case you’re unfamiliar, Hoarders is a Lifetime show that gives a peek into the lives and ridiculously cluttered homes of people who hoard, well, just about everything.
It often serves as an intervention of sorts, only because they didn’t have someone in their life to send them this precautionary quiz and stop the madness before it started! Be a friend. Stop hoarding before it happens.

Your personal style can best be described as:
- 50 Shades of Grey Sweatshirts.
- The Devil Wears Prada.
- As Good as It Gets.
- The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.

What was in your last Amazon order?
- Three of the same shirt but in different colors, a new set of pots and pans, and a book on “Organization for Dummies.”
- 30 copies of “Hoarders: The Complete First Season.”
- A bottle of your favorite cleaner, a box of health food bars, and a book that you only bought because you needed to spend $3 more to get free shipping.
- Nothing. You don’t need the pressure of having some delivery person knock on your door, forcing you to dive behind the couch and get rug burn.

A typical weekend for you includes:
- Going out for dinner and drinks with friends.
- It’s whether permitting, as in whether or not you feel like leaving the house.
- Getting up at 6 a.m. to hit the garage sales, flea markets, and free couches offered on the side of the road.
- Catching up on all the chores you were too exhausted to do during the week.

What pet would you most like to have?
A pet rock. They’re not very needy.
No one can ever have too many cats!
A parrot that will tell you how wonderful you are.
Big dogs, big messes. Little dogs, little messes.

One look in your refrigerator would most likely reveal:
- The basics—milk, eggs, salads, and a box of baking soda that’s been there for about six years.
- Things in containers that are now glowing and radioactive.
- A mix of produce and pizza—balance is key!
- Nothing, really. But there is a bottle of vodka in the freezer.

When people come to your house, they:
- Are told to take off their shoes before entering.
- Are stuck waiting outside because frankly, you’re not into people.
- Are lucky to make it out alive.
- Are bringing some DVDs and good snacks, ready for a fun night!

Your junk drawer includes:
- Plastic bags filled with other plastic bags, rubber bands, old AOL trial CDs, and a bunch of pens you swiped from the bank.
- Items perfectly organized in a way that would make Martha Stewart weep with joy.
- A few batteries, miscellaneous buttons, and three roles of tape that you can’t find the end of to use.
- Drawer? As in one?

What Disney Princess can you most relate to?
Belle from "Beauty and the Beast." Sure, she talks to household objects, but at least she has an open mind.
Ariel from "The Little Mermaid." She hunts for trash under the sea.
Elsa from "Frozen." A bit cold, but she can open up and let things go.
Cinderella from "Cinderella." She cleans. She sews. She likes to dress up once in a while!

The walls of your office are covered with:
- Your college degree and a few framed photos.
- Participation ribbons from elementary school field day.
- Pictures of people who are more attractive than you that came with the frames that you bought.
- A vision board filled with annoyingly inspirational quotes.

If you could have dinner with any celebrity, who would it be?
- Jimmy Fallon or Tina Fey—you want to laugh so hard food comes out of your nose.
- Meh. You would rather stay home and eat a pizza on your couch.
- Robert DeNiro—You eating with me? You eating with ME?
- Anyone, as long as they picked up the tab.

How would your friends from high school describe you?
- Let me go check! I have every yearbook since elementary school!
- Who?
- They were funny, but not in that annoying “trying to get Facebook ‘likes’ kind of way.”
- Smart, quiet, and pretty much just blended in.

You have the greatest emotional attachment to:
- No question, your family and friends.
- Your job, and you’re not just saying that because your boss is looking over your shoulder.
- ALL THE THINGS IN MY HOUSE DON’T MAKE ME CHOOSE, YOU MONSTER! Well, maybe my cat hair crafting collection?
- The sandwich you’re currently eating.

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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