How Classy Are You?
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They say that feing female is a matter of birth, being a woman is a matter of age, and being a lady is a matter of choice. For some, sophistication is the essence of class — and for others, it’s just a load of bull.
Where does your unique personality fall? Let’s find out!Once you answer allShow More
They say that feing female is a matter of birth, being a woman is a matter of age, and being a lady is a matter of choice. For some, sophistication is the essence of class — and for others, it’s just a load of bull.
Where does your unique personality fall? Let’s find out!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

It's your best friend's birthday, and you're throwing a costume party. What's the theme?
- Masquerade Ball
- Ugly Sweater
- Superheroes
- Party of one — I hate playing host

It's been a long day, and you need a stiff drink. What do you reach for?
- Shots
- Wine
- Brewskies
- A cocktail
- Just water for me, please

Someone just made a tremendously crude joke. You...
- Blush
- Tell them off!
- Laugh
- Tell one of my own!

How often do you curse?
- Sometimes…
- There’s no excuse for poor language
- Only when I’m really angry…
- All the f*cking time!

Where would you like your next vacation to be?
South America

A rude coworker is pushing your buttons, and they're starting to piss you off. What do you do?
- Avoid the problem in hopes that it’ll solve itself
- I might raise my voice
- I’ll just confront them directly
- I take deep breaths, and calm myself before approaching them
- Me, angry? That doesn’t happen very often

Which show would you binge watch on a rainy afternoon?
- Downton Abbey
- Keeping Up With the Kardashians
- Scandal
- Sex and the City
- Friends

What sounds like the best way to spend a summer Saturday?
A picnic in the park
Lounging by the pool

Are you guilty of any vices?
- I have the occasional cigarette here and there
- I sure do love a good cocktail
- I have a tendency to overspend
- I curse…a lot!
- Gorgeous dates are my weakness

Who's your favorite author?
- Margaret Atwood
- Jonathan Franzen
- Danielle Steele
- Stephen King
- Alice Munro

Which of these women do you relate to the most?
Serena Williams
Jackie O.
Audrey Hepburn

It's girls' night out! You and the ladies are most likely discussing...
- Politics
- Culture
- Relationships
- Work
- Fashion

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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