How Strong Is Your Willpower?
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In a world full of temptations, it’s easy to lose sight of our goals. Just how strong is your willpower? Are you a Tenacious Tom or a Weak Willy? Take this quiz to find out!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below eShow More
In a world full of temptations, it’s easy to lose sight of our goals. Just how strong is your willpower? Are you a Tenacious Tom or a Weak Willy? Take this quiz to find out!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

On December 31, you made a new year’s resolution to exercise every day and eat better. Come March 1, how’s it looking?
- Great! This lifestyle change is totally worth it.
- Alright. I’ve had lazy days, but I’ve kept up.
- Like December 26…I’m back to my old ways already!

You go to the mall to buy a pair of Adidas’ newest sneakers. Just before you check out, you find a shirt that would look amazing on you. What happens next?
- I buy the shoes and leave. If the shirt is meant to be, I’ll get it later.
- I’ll try the shirt on. If it fits, I’ll buy it!
- I throw it in my shopping cart. It might be gone tomorrow!

Your best friend tells you a big secret and swears you to secrecy. A week later, a conversation with someone else leaves you squirming to spill the beans. Do you honor your promise?
- No, I can’t. This gossip is too good to pass up!
- I won’t say it, but I’ll make hints about the secret…
- Of course. What kind of friend breaks a promise? Not me.

You’ve resolved to wake up an hour early this week to fit in a quick workout! When the alarm buzzes, you…
- Hit snooze about five times. I can’t help it, I love sleep!
- Lie awake in bed for a few minutes and then start the day.
- Jump out of bed and get going. There’s no turning back!

It’s the end of a long day at work and you’re starving! What looks like your dinner tonight?

It’s payday and you got a $1,000 bonus this quarter! What do you do with the extra cash?
- Pay off my credit card debt.
- Put some into savings and invest the rest.
- Buy that new HD TV on sale.
- Have a wild night out.
- Take a trip to somewhere I’ve never been.

You have plans to work out after work, but you left the office later than expected. Do you still get your sweat on?
- Of course, as long as the gym is open!
- If I’m not too tired. Otherwise, skipping a day isn’t bad.
- No. I can go another day.

You’re in the middle of a killer workout! Your goal was to finish 70 squats, and you’re on number 55. Your glutes are feeling the burn! Do you finish?
- Oh, yes! There’s no quitting when you’re this close.
- After I take a break or do another exercise.
- No, I don’t want to cause any muscle damage. I might pass out.
- Seventy squats? No way — you’re talking to the wrong person.

You promised your roommate you’d help her move this weekend, but your buddy won last-minute tickets to your favorite band’s concert. The show is 3 hours away, so you can’t do both. You choose to:
- Help my roommate move. Time is of the essence!
- Offer to help her pack the night before and go to the show. She’ll understand.
- Go with my buddies. Good shows come once in a while!

You RSVP’d to your friend’s going away party, but you’re not feeling well. Besides, the next season of your favorite show came out on Netflix yesterday. What do you do?
Tell my friend I can’t make it. I’ll see them again before they leave.
Suck it up and go to the party. I can watch Netflix another day.

Bad habits are never good, even if they’re fun. Have you successfully “quit” something, like cigarettes or junk food?
- Yes, and it feels good!
- Once, but I’ve regressed.
- I’ve never adopted a bad habit.
- No, I’m not a quitter!

For dessert, you decide to share a piece of carrot cake with your sweetheart. They had two bites and said you can have the rest. Do you actually eat it all?
- Of course! I paid money for it, after all.
- No. I’ll eat half and leave the rest.
- I’ll take it home and save it for later.

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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