How Well Do You Know Canadian Slang, Eh?
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Canadian-English and American-English sound almost identical. But there are some differences you might not know. How well would you get by north of the border? Take this quiz to find out!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an Show More
Canadian-English and American-English sound almost identical. But there are some differences you might not know. How well would you get by north of the border? Take this quiz to find out!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

You’re in line at Tim Horton’s and want to order a coffee with two creams and two sugars. What do you ask for?
- Double-double
- Two reg
- Happy cow

Your father says he needs to go into town and get new runners. What’s he looking to buy?
Sled dogs

Loons are one of the many beautiful birds to live in Canada. But a “loonie” is something totally different. What it mean?
- Crazy person
- Member of the former Rhinoceros Party
- Dollar coin

Drake is known for talking fondly about “the 6ix.” But what is it?
- CN Tower
- Lake Ontario
- City of Toronto

When in Canada, it’s important to stay warm! What do Canadians call the style of hat that Justin Bieber is wearing?
- Knitter
- Toque
- Pomsky

Although Canadians and Americans both speak English, those from the Great North use “zed” to describe what?
- Letter Z
- Zero
- Zebras

When asking a Canadian how many kilometers away the nearest gas station is, they might answer using what unit?
- Klicks
- K-meets
- Kayms

Your grandmother bought you a nice, new Chesterfield for Christmas. What kind of present did she get you?
Winter jacket
Wine rack

Canadians call this candy “Rockets.” Americans call it…
- Smarties
- Twix
- M&Ms

You’re eating some poutine at a restaurant in Montreal, and the server asks if you want a serviette. What in the world is that?
- Fork
- Plate
- Napkin

You’ve crossed the border and want to buy a fifth of vodka. But Canadians use the metric system, so a “fifth” doesn’t mean anything. What do you instead ask for?
- Two four
- Two six
- Mickey

This is the birthday when you turn the age of the date of your birth. Known in the U.S. as a “golden birthday.”
- Champagne birthday
- Magic year
- Unicorn party

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