Answer These 12 Scary Questions And We’ll Guess How Long You’d Last In A Horror Movie. Don’t Die!
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Life is scary. We live in a world where hackers can tap into your iCloud and distribute your discarded selfies and dirty laundry for everybody to see. The fabric of democracy itself is unspooling, the ice caps are melting, and the fact that any spider can somehow get past a locked door is beyond creShow More
Life is scary. We live in a world where hackers can tap into your iCloud and distribute your discarded selfies and dirty laundry for everybody to see. The fabric of democracy itself is unspooling, the ice caps are melting, and the fact that any spider can somehow get past a locked door is beyond creepy. (HOW DO THEY EVEN GET IN THERE?!) So, are you one of those people who skillfully squashes the spider? Do you save it? Or do you light your whole house on fire?
How you handle these scary situations are just a microcosm of the insane horrors you’d have to face if you were suddenly in the Saw franchise. You know how this goes: a group of friends find themselves in the middle of an unbelievable disaster… and only one survives! DUN DUN DUN! So, where do you think you’ll end up? Are you the first to go or do you survive through to the sequel? Do you die a heroes death or do you get stabbed because you disobey the killer that’s kidnapped you? Think it through and you may come out alive.

You're home alone late at night. Suddenly, there's a noise. It sounds like someone is in your house. What do you do?
- Grab a baseball bat and get ready for the worst.
- Sneak around quietly and peek in every room.
- Meekly go, “Hello?”
- Lock yourself in the closet and wait it out.
- Sleep it off
- Umm, is there a way to text 911?

You just sent a racy text message to your partner. Wait, no not your partner. It got sent to your parent by mistake! What's next?
- Just say “oops” and roll with it
- Scream and break your phone
- Pretend it never happened or someone hacked/stole your phone
- Hit them back with a string of “lololololol”
- Call your parents to sincerely apologize.
- Text back, “sorry, wrong daddy.”

Hey, look! It's a casual ghost at the foot of your bed. Kinda scary, right? What do you do?
- Tell it to go away.
- Instagram it
- Scream. Maybe it’ll get scared and run away?
- Ask it if it wants help
- Go back to sleep

You're lost in an unfamiliar city late at night. Your phone is dead, there's no one around. Where do you go to get your bearings and ask for directions?
GettyThe seemingly abandoned gas station
GettyThe seedy, dark bar
GettyThe creepy motel
GettyI'll figure it out myself, thanks anyway!

You get off of work late and get in your car... and you're 100% sure that there's somebody in your backseat who shouldn't be there. What's your next move?
- Ignore it and drive directly to the police station.
- Hit them. Don’t stop until they’re unconscious, and then reassess.
- Run out of my car immediately and get help.

You're trapped in an elevator 15 stories up with no service. The lights go out. The emergency service button has fallen off. What do you do next?
- Wait for someone else to get frustrated waiting for the elevator and call maintenance.
- Crouch in a corner and take deep breaths
- Scream until I lose my voice
- Hyperventilate until I pass out
- Press all the buttons until something happens

You're ice skating on a lake when you fall through a crack in the ice and go all the way under. What do you do now?
- Surrender to death
- Try to poke a new hole from underneath
- Try to crawl out. Even if it cracks, you have to reach land eventually?

You're exploring a nearby abandoned insane asylum with your friends at night. You look around and they're nowhere to be found. What do you do?
- Start reading case files with my flashlight
- Find the exit and get the hell out ASAP
- Yell, “You guys! Where are you?”
- Scream and assume my friends will follow my voice
- Hide so you can jump out and scare your friends when they circle back around. They’re still here, right?

You're taking a shower. When you get out, there's a threatening, sinister message scrawled on your bathroom mirror. You're in a towel (obviously). What's next?
GettyClean the mirror
GettyTiptoe out and act like everything's normal
GettyCrawl out the window and borrow someone's phone to call the police
GettyScream my head off

You're camping when you poke your head out of the tent and lock eyes with a wild grizzly bear. Quick! What should you do?
- Go back in your tent and hope the bear forgets or something
- Make loud noises to scare it away
- Throw things at it to get it to leave
- Maintain your eye contact with the bear until it leaves

You're kayaking in the ocean when a sleek dorsal fin pokes out of the water and starts circling your boat. You're a mile from land. Now what?
- Bop the shark on the nose with your paddle.
- Convince yourself it’s a dolphin so your brain doesn’t break
- Hold tight and wait for it to swim away
- Drop your snacks in the water to distract it. That’ll work, right?

Everyone's worst nightmare: you encounter some disastrous turbulence on an airplane and the oxygen masks deploy from the ceiling. What's your next move?
- Start imagining my funeral
- Panic that your bag isn’t inflating all the way
- Call your loved ones to say goodbye
- Meditate your way out of the stress
- Put my mask on and then help anyone who needs it, like they told me to in the safety demo.

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