Make Your Way to Mordor by Answering These Lord of the Rings Books vs. Movies Trivia
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The Lord of the Rings is one of the most epic pieces of literature in modern history, which means that turning it into a series of movies is… challenging to say the least. While most people agree that Peter Jackson did a pretty good job (17 Oscars seem to indicate they were at the very least decenShow More
The Lord of the Rings is one of the most epic pieces of literature in modern history, which means that turning it into a series of movies is… challenging to say the least. While most people agree that Peter Jackson did a pretty good job (17 Oscars seem to indicate they were at the very least decent), he had to make some changes from the source material, and many fans are quick to point out where he strayed.
Let’s see how deep your knowledge of Middle Earth runs by testing if you can identify the places where the movies departed from the books. From the first moment Frodo set out from the Shire, to the last minutes in Mount Doom before the Ring was destroyed, we’ll see if you remember book and movie. Only the wisest can pass, and many will find that they are foolish hobbits who know little of the wider world. Which are you?

Some people loved this change, other people hated it, but one character from the books was completely missing from the early Fellowship of the Ring film. Who was it?
- Barliman Butterbur
- Strider
- Rosie
- Tom Bombadil

One of the most major changes was that Peter Jackson introduced an element in the Battle of Helm's Deep that didn't exist at all in the books. What was it?
- Gandalf’s triumphant return
- Aragorn leaves with Gandalf to rally more forces
- The Elven Army
- Theoden’s personal guard Hama dies

There are a number of scenes invented in the movies to give Merry and Pippin more comedic moments. Which of these did not exist in the books?
- Pippin drops a stone down a well in Moria
- Merry and Pippin steal Gandalf’s fireworks at Bilbo’s party
- They drink Entwash to grow taller
- They eavesdrop on the Council of Elrond

After Gandalf sends Frodo and co. from Hobbiton, he goes on his own journey. In the books he goes to Minas Tirith. Where does he stop in the movies?
- Orthanc, to visit Saruman
- Bree, to meet the hobbits
- Rohan, to speak with Theoden
- Hobbiton, to fight the Nazgul

In The Two Towers, Sam and Frodo encounter Faramir, who stops their journey to bring the Ring to his father. What does he do in the book?
- He sees the interaction as a test and refuses to even consider taking the Ring
- He tries to take it for himself, like Boromir
- He tries to kill Gollum
- He asks to accompany them into Mordor

In the movies, Elrond is staunchly opposed to Arwen marrying Aragorn. In the books, what is his condition for them getting married?
- Aragorn must prove himself by defeating Sauron
- Arwen may not give up her immortality
- Aragorn must be king of Gondor and Arnor
- Arwen must be his equal in everything

In The Two Towers book, Eowyn takes villagers to Dunharrow to keep them safe. Where does she take them in the films?
- Edoras
- Lothlorien
- Minas Tirith
- Helm’s Deep

Some changes are about placement and timing rather than content. Which element was moved from the second book to the third movie?
- Pippin coming into Denethor’s service
- Sam and Frodo’s encounter with Shelob
- Aragorn rousing the Army of the Dead
- Saruman’s death

In the movies, Saruman is killed after falling from Orthanc to be impaled on a spike. How does he die in the books?
- Wormtongue cuts his throat in the Shire
- Legolas shoots him
- His orcs turn on him
- He is pulled into a river by a Warg

One of the benefits of a written work is that Tolkien can describe the internal impact of the Ring on Frodo. To make this visual, what did the filmmakers add?
- Frodo begins to spend more and more time in the other worldly realm he sees when he puts the Ring on
- The ring causes a burn on Frodo’s neck
- The Ring chain cuts into Frodo’s neck
- The Ring grows gradually larger
- Frodo’s voice begins to change

Which of these enemies was created entirely for the movies?
- Lurtz
- Gothmog
- Gorbag
- Shagrat

In The Fellowship of the Ring film, Arwen rescues Frodo and his companions from the Nazgul. Who does this in the books?
- Elladan
- Elrahir
- Elrond
- Glorfindel

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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