Only a True Fan Can Answer ‘The Office’ Trivia Questions?
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The Office is one of those shows you can watch over and over again and still laugh hysterically. If you’re a big fan of the show, you probably just put it on in the background while doing other things and have seen the episodes so many times that you know most by heart. The characters are more like
The Office is one of those shows you can watch over and over again and still laugh hysterically. If you’re a big fan of the show, you probably just put it on in the background while doing other things and have seen the episodes so many times that you know most by heart. The characters are more like good friends at this point, and you can recite your favorite lives from memory. So what episodes stand out the most? Let’s talk about some of the most iconic ones, shall we?
Someone almost burns down the office building with their cheesy pita and everyone plays Desert Island in the parking lot in “The Fire” in season 2. The first Dundies episode takes place in a Chili’s and Pam gets hilariously wasted (and has her first kiss with Jim!). In “Casino Night”, Jim expresses his true feelings for Pam, they kiss, and the episode ends on a giant cliffhanger.
But what about some of the later episodes? In “Beach Games”, Michael is convinced that he’ll get a big promotion, so he has the whole office compete in various beach games to decide who to recommend to be his replacement. Pam ends up making a speech about how much she misses Jim in her life, and the awkwardness between her and Karen gets even worse. In “The Job”, the last episode of season 3, it is revealed that Ryan gets the promotion at corporate and Jim finally asks Pam on their first real date.
Jim and Pam end up getting married in the two-part episode titled “Niagra”, Michael asks Holly to marry him in “Garage Sale” in season 7, and Michael leaves Dunder Mifflin in “Goodbye, Michael” at the end of the season. After lots of job changes, Dwight finally gets his dream job of Regional Manager, he marries Angela, and the series ends after 9 seasons.
This quiz will test you on how well you know this beloved workplace comedy. Can you name even the obscure characters that were just in a few episodes? Or do you have a hard time remembering even major plot points? Take this tough The Office trivia quiz to find out!

What sandwich does Jim make Pam in "The Client"?
- Peanut butter and jelly
- Grilled cheese
- Tuna salad
- Ham and cheese
What did you get? Let us know in the comments!