If You Were Part of the Umbrella Academy, What Would Your Power Be?
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Umbrella Academy is the latest Netflix binge-able hit that is leaving us all breathless. Children born on the same day, at the same time, to mothers who previously weren’t pregnant? Inexplicable, seemingly magic powers? An eccentric and rich old man who ruthlessly trained them from a young age?
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Umbrella Academy is the latest Netflix binge-able hit that is leaving us all breathless. Children born on the same day, at the same time, to mothers who previously weren’t pregnant? Inexplicable, seemingly magic powers? An eccentric and rich old man who ruthlessly trained them from a young age?
It’s a recipe for some amazing television. But the most intriguing part is the powers that our young heroes hold. Put yourself in their shoes. Which one would you be?
Do you have the persuasive power of the Rumor, able to make a reality through her words? Or can you power your way through any situation like our boy Luther? Each power comes with benefits and…challenges to be sure. Answer a few simple questions and we’ll reveal what your power would be if you were a part of the elite Umbrella Academy. Are you ready to look inside and discover your hidden talents?

Your sibling is fighting with you and they won't give you what you want. How do you deal with it?
- I tell my parents.
- I usually can’t do much: they tend to get their way.
- I’m incredibly persuasive, so I convince them to give me what I want.
- I steal what I want.
- I let them think they’ve won, but find another way to get what I want.
- I find a way for us to share.

What do you do when you're angry and need to let out your emotions?
- Hit a punching bag.
- Play music to let out my feelings.
- Drink
- I try to solve whatever is making me angry.
- I vent to a friend.
- I hold it in.

Who is your favorite superhero?
- Superman
- Batman
- Black Widow
- Rogue
- Magneto
- The Hulk

Where do you fall in birth order?
- I’m the oldest.
- I’m a middle child.
- I’m the youngest.
- I’m an only.

If someone wanted to get under your skin, which of these insecurities would they bring up?
- My lack of accomplishment.
- My family.
- My emotions (and lack thereof).
- My past failures.
- My age.
- People I’ve hurt before.

Do you like power?
- Yes, I want more of it.
- I don’t want more, but I’m happy with what I have.
- No, I don’t want it.

There's a villain robbing a bank! You have to stop them. What's your approach?
- Try to talk them down.
- Sneak in and stop them before they notice what’s going on
- Jump immediately into the fray and fight them.
- Scare them off without really interacting with them.
- Stay back and stay out of the way. There’s not much I can do.
- I’d probably freeze up at first, but then try to fight them off.

How do you start your mornings?
- Coffee please…
- I have to put my face on first.
- I’m a tea person.
- I like to work out first thing.
- I hate mornings and I avoid them at all costs.
- I cuddle my partner.

Which of these things scares you the most?
- Death
- Losing someone close to me.
- Being alone.
- Being useless.
- Myself.
- Change.

Families can be challenging. How do you feel about yours?
- They don’t like me too much and I feel pretty excluded.
- I feel very loyal to the concept of family.
- I love them, even if sometimes they suck.
- I’m incredibly close to them.
- I’m not in touch with them too often.
- My family does not accept my life choices.

Pick a color, any color.
- Green
- White
- Black
- Red
- Blue
- Purple

Which subject in school did you like the best?
- Music
- Math
- English
- Art
- Gym
- Lunch

What are you most proud of?
- My independence.
- My intelligence.
- My common sense.
- My loyalty.
- All the things I have survived.
- My family.

What does your normal Friday night look like?
- Consuming illegal substances of some sort.
- At a movie premiere or other major event.
- Working.
- Reading.
- Playing or listening to music.
- Hanging out with friends.

If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
GettyA castle
GettyThe moon
GettyA small apartment
GettyI like to be nomadic

Why did your last relationship fail?
- Life circumstances took us apart.
- I was too controlling.
- I don’t open up to other people.
- I put my partners on a pedestal.
- I fall for people who are off limits.
- I have a lot of trauma that gets in the way of relationships.

What's your vice?
- Drugs and alcohol.
- Attention.
- Food.
- Control.
- Sex.
- Violence.

What animal speaks to you?
- Vulture
- Dolphin
- Monkey
- Owl
- Octopus
- Cat
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