Star Wars Nerd: You NEED To Know Your Perfect Sidekick
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It’s easy to watch Star Wars and imagine ourselves as those great heroes of the Rebellion and the Resistance. Maybe you thought of yourself as Leia, sharp tongued and quick witted, or perhaps you were more of a Han Solo, brave and daring but always loyal. No matter who your hero dreams featured thShow More
It’s easy to watch Star Wars and imagine ourselves as those great heroes of the Rebellion and the Resistance. Maybe you thought of yourself as Leia, sharp tongued and quick witted, or perhaps you were more of a Han Solo, brave and daring but always loyal. No matter who your hero dreams featured there’s one thing all heroes have in common: they’ve got to have a sidekick.
That’s right, we’re talking about the R2-D2s, the C-3POs, and the Chewbaccas of the Star Wars universe. How would our brave heroes survive the situations they get themselves into without the help of their friends?
It’s time to turn you into a hero by giving you the perfect sidekick, the one that will make your successes look easy and your failures look like they were planned. Jump into the world of Star Wars to discover which friend is the one that matches your personality perfectly.

You're heading in to the big battle to destroy the Death Star. What role are you playing?
- General
- X-Wing Pilot
- Pilot of a larger vessel
- Field Commander

Pick your weapon of choice.
ShutterstockLight sabre

Which Star Wars character makes your heart go pitter patter?
LucasfilmHan Solo

If they were to write a Star Wars book about you, what would it be called?
- Rise Up
- Never Tell Me The Odds
- Permission to Blow Something Up
- The Force is Real

I know it's hard, but what would you say is your greatest weakness?
- I’m very stubborn.
- I can be reckless.
- I’m full of myself.
- I am perfectionistic.

You're getting older, and you've seen a lot of s*** in your past. What's your reaction to your own failures?
- I try to pay attention to my failures so I don’t repeat them.
- If I’m not good at something, I usually don’t keep doing it. I go back to what makes sense to me.
- Failure really gets to me. Sometimes I think I hold myself back so I don’t have the potential of failure.
- I’ve learned from failure to accept help.

Are you a 'shoot now, ask questions later' type person or is diplomacy always the answer?
- Shoot now ask questions later
- Diplomacy

How do you show affection?
- I use sarcasm and teasing.
- I’m fairly physical with my affection.
- I like to use my words.
- I give compliments.

Which of these problems are you most likely to get yourself into?
- I got thrown in prison.
- I flew into an asteroid field.
- My ship got captured by Darth Vader.
- I’m about to be fed to a Sarlacc.

Rebellion or Resistance?
- Rebellion
- Resistance

Be honest: do you love the fame, just a little bit?
- Absolutely
- No, I do what I do because it’s the right thing to do

Your ship is in trouble! What do you want your sidekick to do?
- Help me pilot the dang thing!
- Talk our way out of it.
- Fix the malfunctions.
- Fight off some enemies for me.

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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