This Cooking Quiz Will Unlock Your Inner Julia Child With the Kitchen Product of Your Dreams
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A cook is only as good as his tools, and if you’re using the wrong tools it’s nearly impossible to create a perfect souffle if you’re using the wrong pots and pans. Lucky for you MagiQuiz is here and wants you to become the next Julia Child (if only because we want you to cook for us once you�Show More
A cook is only as good as his tools, and if you’re using the wrong tools it’s nearly impossible to create a perfect souffle if you’re using the wrong pots and pans. Lucky for you MagiQuiz is here and wants you to become the next Julia Child (if only because we want you to cook for us once you’ve mastered the art of cuisine).
All you have to do is show off how you handle yourself in the kitchen and we’ll find the product that will fill the gaps and make you a master chef. Get into the kitchen, boil some water, chop some veggies, let’s see those skills! The MagiQuiz school of cooking is in session and we are here to take you from Guy Fieri to Alton Brown in just fifteen minutes.
We weren’t kidding when we said it was all about these tools. These things will change your life.

It's first thing in the morning. What are you making for breakfast?
- Cereal
- Oatmeal
- Grapefruit
- Bacon and eggs
- Pancakes
- Scones

Which of these is the most exotic cooking implement you have in your home?
GettySous vide machine
GettyCheese grater

You need to cook dinner but you're low on energy. What's your go to?
- Pasta
- Meatloaf
- Salad
- Frozen meals
- Breakfast for dinner

Do you prefer to bake or cook?

Where do you get most of your recipes?
- They’re family recipes.
- Cookbooks
- The internet
- Friends
- I don’t use recipes

Do you feel comfortable chopping, slicing, and dicing most things, or are your fingers battlegrounds from meals past?
- I’m a master with a knife
- I can find my way around a knife relatively well
- Do not let me near sharp things

If you're cooking a meal, how much time are you likely to spend on it?
- 5-10 minutes
- 10-30 minutes
- 30-45 minutes
- 45 minutes-1 hour
- 1-1.5 hours
- 1.5 hours plus

Are you a "that looks like the right amount" kind of cook or a "I've measured everything by weight" kind of cook?
- I cook entirely by feel.
- I usually measure, but some recipes I know well enough to go by feel.
- Everything needs to be measured perfectly.

Which of these celebrity chefs do you wish you could be?
GettyAlton Brown
GettyGuy Fieri
GettyPaula Deen
GettyGordon Ramsey

Who taught you how to cook?
- I taught myself
- The internet
- School
- A grandparent
- My mom or dad

How would you rate your culinary vocabulary?
- I know all of the cooking words.
- I can follow most conversations about cooking.
- I know a lot about a few things.
- I’m lost when it comes to cooking.

What kind of food do you like to eat?
- Fruits and veggies
- Comfort food
- Classics like a hamburger
- High end cuisine
- Gastroscience!
- I’m up for whatever.

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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