Take This High School Quiz and We’ll Reveal What Mistakes You Made When Picking Your Prom Dress
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Ah, prom dresses, a memory that most of us think back on with a bit of a shudder and the thought “dear lord what was I thinking when I picked that?” So much tulle, so much bedazzling, so many fluorescent colors. There are so many ways to go wrong with a prom dress.
Let’s play a fun game. YoShow More
Ah, prom dresses, a memory that most of us think back on with a bit of a shudder and the thought “dear lord what was I thinking when I picked that?” So much tulle, so much bedazzling, so many fluorescent colors. There are so many ways to go wrong with a prom dress.
Let’s play a fun game. You tell us about who you were in high school. Were you the nerdy shy kid? The socially active theater kid? The popular girl with all the attention? All we need to know is who you were from the delightfully ache ridden ages of 14-18.
Using our patented MagiQuiz formula, we’ll distill this knowledge into the all-important fact: what kind of prom dress mistakes did you make? Whether you were a sequins for days, a slit up to your hoo-hah or a full-on Renaissance gown, we’ll determine where you went wrong and help you relive those glorious days of prom.

What kind of grades did you get in high school?
- Straight As
- Primarily Bs
- Cs get degress
- Ok, yes, it was Ds.
- I failed a lot of classes in high school.

Which extracurricular did you do in high school?
- Theater
- Cheerleading
- Art club
- Student government
- Sports

When did you have your first kiss?
- 13 or younger
- 14-15
- 16-17
- 18
- Over 18

You have a big test tomorrow but one of your friends really wants to go out. What do you do?
- I stay in and study.
- I go out for a little bit, but make sure to come home early and get good sleep.
- I’ve already studied, so I take the opportunity to let loose.
- YOLO amirite? Party time.
- I study first, then go out.

You come home with a low grade and your parents ground you. How do you react?
- Whatever, I don’t go out anyway.
- I know how to sneak out. It’s fine.
- I am so pissed. I try to convince them out of it.
- I am really unhappy, but I understand so I put on my best behavior to get out of it sooner.
- I understand why they did it.

Did you have a lot of friends in high school?
- I was incredibly popular, yes.
- I didn’t have a huge group of friends, but a solid 4-5 people.
- I had two or three very close friends.
- Basically one very good friend.
- I had a lot of acquaintances but no very close friends.

What was your dating life like in high school?
- I dated a little bit, but for the most part I was focused on school.
- I didn’t date.
- I had a couple serious relationships, but that’s it.
- VERY active. I dated a lot of people.
- I would say it was average.

What was your favorite subject in school?
- Art
- English
- Gym
- Social Studies
- Math

Which clique were you in?
- Nerds
- Teacher’s pets
- Artsy kids
- Theater kids
- Popular kids

Everyone gossiped a little bit in high school...were you a big gossip, or did you try to keep your mouth shut?
- Oh I was the WORST gossip.
- I wasn’t one who felt they had to keep their mouth shut.
- I gossiped, but only about a specific group of people.
- I had no idea what was happening, so I didn’t gossip much.
- I tried hard not to gossip.

What were you most likely to be up to on the weekends?
- Studying or reading.
- Hitting up the mall with my friends.
- Something creative like art or music.
- Hanging out, maybe playing video games, maybe just chilling with friends.
- Volunteering.

Ok last question...which dress do you WISH you had worn to prom?

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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